Welcome to our First Day!

Welcome to the first day of our study of the Book of Mormon.  You might be eager to jump right into 1st Nephi.  Don't worry- we will start on Wednesday.

First, I wanted to tell you a few things about the changes and improvements to the blog.

There are new tabs on the top of the blog which contain some great information and helps.

The tab called 'Videos' has inspirational and educational videos about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon among other things.

Under the tab called 'Articles and Talks' you'll find links to some great articles about the Book of Mormon.

'Study Helps' contains a number of links for some great study resources.

Under 'Quotes and Testimonies' you'll find exactly what it says: quotes and testimonies regarding the Book of Mormon from our great past and present leaders.

The next tab is "Official LDS Sites' where you'll find a long list of official sites from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

And lastly, the tab called "The BoM Can Change Your Life' is filled with inspirational stories of how the Book of Mormon has changed the lives of people around the world.

Our scripture study assignment today is two fold:

1. Watch at least one video or read one article from the tabs above.  If you'd like to share what you saw or read in the comments, that would be wonderful!

2. Find a friend to be your scripture study partner and invite them to join us here :)

Tomorrow we'll start our study of the Book of Mormon by reading the introductory writings and explanations.  There's some really good stuff there!


  1. Read the article on studying the BOM. I had already decided that I was not going to read the online version anymore and actualy read out of the book. But, I really like the idea of getting a cheap copy of the Book of Mormon and marking all the scripture references about the Savior. Plus it would be a great study guide for the year. Almost a scripture journal. All the inspiration and learning from this "session" of study..... hmmm...

  2. The timing for beginning again is excellent, Michelle. I look forward to studying with everyone.

  3. I did that in my scriptures a few years back. I highlighted every reference to the Lord, God, the Savior, etc in blue. Out of the 531 pages in Book of Mormon, there was a reference to Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ on all but 29 pages. That means 95% of BoM pages testify of God and the Savior. Pretty awesome!

  4. What a great idea adding all those tabs for videos and articles etc. I want to share this blog on my ward facebook page so hopefully some of our church members will join with us as we read this great book. I watched one video about the Testimony of the Book of Mormon and I read one story about how the book has changed someone's life, but I want to watch and read many more when I am able to. Looking forward to our reading!


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