An Introduction to the Book of Mormon

 Click here to read the Introduction to the Book of Mormon, today's reading assignment.

This is the Book of Mormon. Gold plates that weighed between forty and sixty pounds, approximately eight inches long, five or six inches wide, and five to six inches thick.  They must have been beautiful.

I tried to imagine what Joseph might have felt that morning he first saw the plates.  He hadn't slept, but had been under the tutelage of an angel throughout the night, learning and learning more of his calling and the Savior's church he would usher in.  Then, to see physical proof, there in a cold stone box so close to his home: he must have been in awe.

Then, the anticipation of four years of waiting and learning, persecution and abuse.

Then to have the plates, hiding while translating, feeling so uplifted by God, yet so alone.

I found his reaction when Joseph Smith learned a select few would be allowed to see the plates. He burst into his mother's room and exclaimed: "Mother, you do not know how happy I am: the Lord has now caused the plates to be shown to three more besides myself. . . . For now they know for themselves, that I do not go about to deceive the people."

How lonely he must have been!

I found a great article that spoke more of the Three and Eight Witnesses here at the Maxwell Institute.  I took this question and answer below from it:

Some people wonder if any of the Three Witnesses ever denied his testimony. The answer is, No, never. The Three Witnesses' lives went in different directions, but none ever denied his testimony of the Book of Mormon and its coming forth

I feel an enormous sense of gratitude for Joseph Smith; for his faith, courage and conviction.  I am so grateful that we have the Book of Mormon to study and read for ourselves!

Share what you thought/learned today below!


  1. I was just thinking how easy it is to accept the fact that angels are among us. How there is no doubt that Christ and Heavenly Father appeared to Joseph Smith. It's natural to believe revelation from God happens daily. It's so easy for me that it is hard to understand why some people can't believe it and many fight against it.

    I am grateful to just know. It's a part of me. I don't even have to think or wonder about it. Accepting the restoration of the gospel and coming forth of the Book of Mormon makes sense. It also paves the way in understanding there will be more!


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