1 Nephi 4

Chapter 4

Nephi slays Laban at the Lord’s command and then secures the plates of brass by stratagem—Zoram chooses to join Lehi’s family in the wilderness. About 600–592 B.C.

Yesterday I taught a lesson on the Book of Mormon.  I'm not sure how the lesson went, but I had a great time teaching it. The biggest reason was the Spirit testify to me as I testified to my ward family about how much the Book of Mormon really matters to us today.

I am so excited to be studying it in depth again!

Onto today's chapter:

Of course, for me, this chapter is about following the promptings of the Spirit.  First one must be worthy to receive the promptings.  Then you must have the faith and courage to follow it.  Nephi was worthy, faithful and courageous.

Not sure if I could kill a man- but I do know that I have been asked to do a lot of hard things in my life.  Knowing that these hard things are God's will makes it a whole lot easier.  It gives purpose to my pain.

We know that when we don't listen to the Spirit, the promptings disappear.  But I love how, here in this chapter, we see that as Nephi follows the Spirit, the promptings grow:

 First he was led by the Spirit (vs 6), then he was constrained by the Spirit (10), then the Spirit spoke plainly to him (vv 11 &12)

In verse 18 Nephi states simply that "I did obey the voice of the Spirit."

It's a great lesson to me on how to receive and follow inspiration.

What did you learn/think today?


  1. I read the whole chapter, but really didn't need to go past verse 1. Be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord because He is greater than the whole earth. With God nothing is impossible, but we have to keep up our end of the bargain.

    This made me think of Grace and how she wants a treat for being good. (BTW- your lesson was exceptional) We just have to be good and will have more treats, treasures, blessings and so forth, than we can ever take it all in. For me, I don't need bunches of treasure. I would ask for a few simple blessings.... but I recognize that I have to keep doing my part to the very best of my capability.

  2. I have a question. In verse 20 Nephi says "...And I commanded him in the voice of Laban." Then in verse 23 "And I spake unto him as if it had been Laban." So does that mean that the Lord actually changed his voice to sound like Laban? Or does it just mean that he tried to talk or sound like Laban would? Any thoughts?

    I also loved verses 1 to 3. It shows that even back in the times before Christ, the people were applying the things the prophets had done previously to help and inspire them in their own lives, just as we are counselled to today.

  3. About the voice of Laban: I am not sure. I've always thought the, rather than change the voice of Nephi, that Nephi just spoke in a deeper voice and the Lord changed how Zoram heard it- like when we all sit in the same class but hear different messages. That's a good question :)


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