Moroni 1

Moroni 1

This chapter is short, but I love it.  A number of times Moroni basically says, Well, I thought I'd be dead by now, but I'm not. So he continues to write.  No pity party, no whining- just work.

I've had a rough couple weeks, and I have felt very down lately.  Certain things in my life haven't, well, gone according to my plan.  I thought I'd be done by now, but I'm not.  I've fallen into a mini pity-party, and have allowed myself to feel overwhelmed and even sad.  But, this chapter reminds me that even when things don't go according to our own plans, we should continue on.

I really needed this today.

FRIDAY: Moroni 2 & 3


  1. We never know what the future brings. Like Moroni, sometimes we just keep on going. We hope that for some reason, some day, it will all make sense or be of benefit down the road.

    There was a talk in General Conference a while back about patience. Patience is not sitting and waiting. Patience is about moving forward in the direction we want/need to go while we "wait" on the Lord. It's kind of like gardening. We plant the seeds. But we still have to water, feed, weed, tend, etc. while we "wait" for the harvest. If we just plant the seed and never tend to it we are less likely to get the desired blessing.

    For me, seeing Moroni's example is encouragement that even though things aren't necessarily on the track I'd like them to be, there is a lot of good I can do while I "wait" on the Lord. It's patience with a purpose.

  2. Thanks for your comments, Ang. I needed this, too :)


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