1 Nephi 3

1 Nephi 3

A few things stuck out to me today:

1- We need to put effort into seeking answers from the Lord, and our relationship with Him.  Verse 1: Nephi "returned" from speaking with the Lord. That tells me he didn't just hang out in his tent and casually wonder or think about things. He left - he went somewhere else with the sole purpose of conversing with the Lord.

That doesn't mean that we shouldn't always have a prayer in our hearts, but that tells me that I need to make a more concerted effort to remove myself physically (down onto my knees where no one else is) or emotionally (not just casually think or wonder, but come to Him with a purpose.)

It means not being casual in my relationship with Deity.

2-Another thing that I noticed was the power of one's words to influence others for good or bad. In verse 21 Nephi used his words to inspire Laman and Lemuel to be faithful.  In verse 28 Laman used his words to influence Lemuel to beat Nephi with a rod.

It makes me consider and take note of what influence my words today will have on those around me. Will they be better from their association with me? Will I draw them closer to the Lord, or the adversary with my words?

3- This chapter continues the obvious theme of obedience with the famous verse 7. It's important to note that Nephi's attitude, in part, was given to him by the Lord, at stated in verse 8.  To this, President Ezra Taft Benson said, "When our obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power."

In changing just our attitude about obedience, we can unlock to powers of heaven that will aid us in carrying out what has been asked!

So cool!

Question of the Day:  In chapter 2 Nephi had a great conversation with the Lord. He comes back to tell his dad about it, and his dad says, in verse 2, Hey guess what, while you were talking to the Lord about that, the Lord told me you need to walk three weeks back home and get these plates from stinky Laban (obvious and terrible paraphrasing here.)  Here's the question? Why do you think the Lord didn't just tell Nephi himself that when He was speaking to him just moments before? Why did he tell Lehi instead?


  1. Maybe the only reason the Lord told Lehi instead of Nephi directly is so we would have verse 7. in this verse Nephi affirms to his father and to God his obedience. it is said out of the mouth of two or more witnesses, God & Lehi here.
    I love verse 7 and know that with God nothing, commanded of me, is impossible. now to keep my attitude in check with Nephi's....sometimes I have to mull it over and think it through before I can happily obey.

    1. I like your thought about the 2 or more witnesses. I had never really considered God a witness, because people were always witnesses of Him- but you are right. He can be a witness of Himself. So smart!

  2. The thing that really struck me today was when Lehi told Nephi he was COMMANDED of the Lord. This was not a commandment written down in a book and published for all to see, it was a personal commandment. How often are we "commanded" of the Lord through the spiritual promptings of the Holy Ghost- and do we obey? Through a dream? Through an article we read? There are many opportunities for these personal commandments and moments of insight and inspiration.

    And in answer to your question... Lehi was the patriarch of the family. Nephi and his brothers needed to listen and obey their father because it was Lehi's stewardship to lead the family, not Nephi's. Side note- Do we set the example of listening and obeying our patriarchs (husbands/fathers)? Do we encourage them to function in that role or just do it ourselves? Just a thought to ponder.

    1. I thought of the same thing when reading chapter 2 about the commandment coming from the Spirit and not the tablets!

    2. Seems there is a theme of 'personal commandments' in your comments the past couple days. I like it :)

      I LOVE your answer- it made a light bulb totally go off in my head!! Though we can all receive personal revelation for ourselves, the Lord has an organization He works within - and Church, and in the family, as we see here. I have such smart friends!!!

  3. I like to focus on the verse just before the famous ones. I think verse 6 is just as important as verse 7.

    As to why the commandment came from Lehi as opposed to Nephi, I think it relates to the talk to Oaks gave "Two Lines of Communication". He said "We must use both the personal line and the priesthood line in proper balance to achieve the growth that is the purpose of mortal life."


    1. Ben, thanks for sharing that insight and your link. I'll look it up today and reread it. I took your advice and went back even a verse further to verse 5 and the line "I have not required it of them, but it is a commandment of the Lord" stuck out to me. Lehi boasted not of himself, but always glorified the Lord. Thanks for helping me see even more in the scriptures. :)

  4. What a great chapter! I love reading through the comments and getting more out of the chapter because of them! the last few verses stuck out to me today... how layman and Samuel still complained and questioned after an ANGEL had just told them to do something. I wonder how often it seems like heavenly father has given me answers that seemed black and white (equal in obviousness to an angel) but I still falter and question.
    Thanks Michelle, this was a fantastic post!

    1. Stinking auto correct! my phone is out to get me. haha!

    2. I like your autocorrect. It's #supercool. (LOL- inside joke)

      I have the same concern about getting answers from God. I tend to falter on the side of doubting my ability to hear, and wondering if the answer I received was His or mine. I need to have more faith and just do it!

  5. Pondering your question, Michelle, the thought occurred to me that the answer simply may be that Lehi's thoughts were focused on other things. Perhaps his thoughts were focused on how to obtain the records from Lehi. The answer to those "ponderings" came in the form of a dream.

    Imagine being Lehi and leaving your home, the place where you grew up, the place where the records of your forefathers were, etc. I imagine his thoughts turned from time to time toward those records, the genealogy of his own family. (Do we find that happens to us? As our thoughts and ponderings are turned to a particular subject, that is when we receive answers or personal revelation about that subject?) Lehi’s “answer” came in the form of a dream.

    In the meantime, Nephi's thoughts and communication with the Lord were of a different matter. The Lord taught Nephi the things he needed to know at the same time Lehi had his dream. As you mentioned, it was because of their efforts to actively seek to know and understand certain things and turn to the Lord in thought and/or prayer that led them to receive personal revelation from the Lord.

    By the way, it has only been three days since joining you in reading and discussion of the Book of Mormon and I already feel Spiritually full. Thank you for your efforts, Michelle! My life is enriched because of you and those who are so willing to share their insights. Thanks everyone!

    1. Lavinda!! You're here! Yay!!

      Thanks for post. I totally see your point, and I can totally imagine that Lehi would have thought about the brass plates while they were high-tailing it out of there. But, I'm sure he had faith that it would all work out, though I'm sure he didn't understand the expense.

      I think an important lesson from your insight is that we should keep our mind pondering things of an eternal nature, as to further open the window to personal revelation and answers.

      I'm so glad you posted!!


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