Ether 15

Ether 15

Two things came to mind as I read this today:

First, it took millions of deaths for Coriantumr to finally repent.  When I read that I asked myself, "What does it take for me to repent?"  I wondered how many people I might have hurt, or mistakes I might have made in the past before I was ready to say I was sorry.

The next thing was Ether's last words. He saw the destruction of millions of people- his people- his family and friends- and yet what mattered to him was his standing before the Lord and his place in the kingdom of God.  I hope I have that much perspective and eternal priorities.

What part of today's chapter got into you?



  1. I could not imagine being so hard hearted that the Lord totally removes His Spirit and you are completely turned over to the power of Satan. I know it is told about multiple times in the BOM, but I cannot imagine being so wicked that you cannot ever hear or feel the promptings of the Lord. Or even understand the difference between right and wrong.

    I wonder if these people even recognized that they had no voice of reason? To be drunk with anger- we see that now. Just pick up a paper or turn on the news. But I cannot comprehend a whole nation being in that state of mind.

    I hope and pray I can be like Ether... standing strong before God, even if it is by myself like he was. What a lonely place. He had to have amazing faith and belief to endure to the end.

  2. In v 30 it states that Coriantumr "leaned upon his sword and rested a little". Ifind that a touching statement, always causes me to stop and do a great deal of pondering.

    I am in a fight. that I know. What is the sword that the lord has given me? I can lean upon that sword until the battle is finished.

    Like Coriantumr, I can find rest,

  3. Living Waters by LeAnnOctober 13, 2011 at 10:29 AM

    I have been feeling a little down myself and I know I need to just press on. I remember a conference address many years ago we were told that it was ok to be depressed for a brief time; but just don't wallow in it. That's my plan!
    Thanks for the thoughts today on Moroni; he is one of my favorites.


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