Ether 8

Ether 8

I am appalled at the ease with which greed can turn to murder.  Horrifying, really.

This morning I thought about legacies.  I turned 40 this month.  The older I get the more I wonder about the kind of legacy I might leave.  Will my great-great-grandchildren know me? Will the world be a different or better place because of me?  I try to live my live that these questions might be answered positively.

But, this daughter of Jared- think about the legacy she has left.  She was the domino that destroyed the whole kingdom.  I wondered this morning as I read if she is sitting up in spirit prison somewhere just feeling awful.  I wonder if she is embarrassed or ashamed that the only thing we know about her is that she is intelligent, beautiful, manipulative, evil and responsible for the death of her father, and ultimately a people. That is a terrible legacy. I almost feel bad for her.  It will be interesting to meet her someday.

What part of this chapter got into you?

TUESDAY: Ether 9


  1. As I read through this chapter I could relate so many things to our world today. Those secret groups who band together for the purpose of doing evil. Groups who band together and end up doing evil, even though they didn't necessarily start out with that intention. Women who use their bodies to lure men. Greed and power trips which cause hurt to so many.

    Lately, I have been thinking more and more of the scripture which says we live in the world but shouldn't be of the world. Somedays I want to just stay in bed and cover my head and not come out.

    It breaks my heart to see good people make decisions with dire consequences.... and they can't see - or choose to ignore- where they are headed. But the bottom line is... I am only able to be in control of me. I have to keep studying and praying, hoping and trying. In the end... we all choose our own path and God is the final judge.

  2. I have always been proud of my gender, very content to be a woman and daughter of God.

    The daughter of Jared is a great embarrassment to me.

    I wonder how a "sister" could have been so evil. It seem that when women break the commandments, create evil as she did, the evil multiplies in a frightening manner.


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