Moroni 10

Moroni 10

This is one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon.  It's Moroni's last testimony, and it breaks down like this:

1. The Holy Ghost will testify of the truthfulness of this record.
2. There are many gifts given to man through the Spirit- every man receiving several, according to His will.
3. God and Jesus Christ are the same, yesterday, today and forever.
4. Faith, hope and charity are necessary to be saved.
5. Come unto Christ- lay hold of every good gift and be perfected in Him.

I think what I appreciate the most about Moroni's last words is a single word in the third line of verse 32: "If"

He tells us all the wonderful things above, then he puts the responsibility on us to qualify ourselves:

1. IF we deny ourselves ungodliness,
2. IF we love God with all our might, mind and strength

1. is His grace sufficient, the you may be perfect in Him.
2. You are sanctified through the Atonement and become holy, without spot.

Moroni is telling us that we have been given everything we need here on earth, but it is up to us to choose and follow.

What part of today's chapter got into you?


  1. The thing that struck me about this chapter is it basically breaks down who we should be, how we should be, and what we should do.

    So simplistically stated..... If we are seeking after good things, that is of God. If we are doing good works, that praises God and strengthen us. If we are being the best we can, Christ makes up the difference.

    Seeking good+ doing good+ being good+ Christ = rich blessings and eternal life.

  2. And .... Monday is the 24th??? Are we not actually starting until the 31st?


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