Alma 60

Alma 60

I totally missed Saturday!!!  I'm sorry if it threw anyone off!  So, I'll just pick up where I left off:

I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets fired up before I know all the facts!  Moroni wrote this epistle to Pahoran without a full understanding of Pahoran's situation- and he wasn't shy in telling him how he really felt! I think it's so important to control your tongue, especially when angry, but I do admire the passion and emotion Moroni possessed.

Vs 13 answers one of the most commonly asked questions: Why does God allow innocent people to be hurt?  It reads: For the Lord suffereth the arighteous to be slain that his justice and bjudgment may come upon the wicked; therefore ye need not suppose that the righteous are lost because they are slain; but behold, they do enter into the rest of the Lord their God.

I remember once when I was 17 a Vietnam vet asked me that question.  I didn't know how to answer it. It still is difficult to grasp.  But, this is where my faith comes in. I know that God is all-knowing.  I know there is a purpose to all things.  I know that the righteous and innocent suffer at the hands of the wicked. It seems unfair, but I have to believe that God in his power and wisdom will make things right.

What did you get out of it?



  1. vs 23 - Now I would that ye should remember that God has said that the inward vessel shall be cleansed first, and then shall the outer vessel be cleansed also.

    When I read this the other day ( yes, I got thrown off a little, but that's cool, it has given me more pondering time. ) I started related this to lots of different things.

    I was fussing to myself about my house and the chaos I try to control. Thinking, if I just had closet/storage areas it would be cleaner. But then, there would be that whole closet chaos to deal with. So--- chaos behind the doors or just out in the open to consistently remind me to work on it. Inward or outward? I don't really have much choice in this one, but it stopped me from wishing for a different house.

    Then I started thinking about people and their issues. How many people are really good about putting on the outward show, but time after time, they show their true colors in day to day living? Do I live my life both inward and outward?
    How many times do I say something nice, but on the inside think something totally different?

    All these thoughts, and more, confirmed that the Lord looks on our hearts to see who we are. It is the inner vessel He is worried about. We can put on a good show. But that will be what people judge us on. It's pretty easy to tell which one is more important.

  2. This section of the BOM is a favorite.

    I cannot count the times I have jumped to a wrong comclusion because I didn't wait for all the information.

    I have a personal testimony that God WILL make all things right if we patiently(?) wait.

    I have found the waiting dificult not to mention being patient about it.


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