Alma 47

Alma 47

Amalickiah follows the same path that Lucifer did.:

46:4 He wanted to be king
46:3 He was angry with his brethren
46:5 Led many away by flattery
46:10 Was cast out
47:4 Desired to do evil
47:12 Used trickery by degrees
47:18 Poisoned by degrees
48:4 Was determined to bring people into bondage

Amalickiah was one of the most dangerous enemies of righteousness in the Book of Mormon. His tactics were cunningness, deception, flattery, lies and murder.  The Lamanites didn't even know what hit them. Satan used these same tactics with us today.  He tells us all is well.  He leads us away by degrees, justifying small omissions in obedience and worship.

When I understand his tactics, I can build up my own defenses.

What did you learn today?



  1. What an awesome blog! Thanks so much.

  2. I found it interesting that the servant was deceived. He aparently wanted Amalickiah's approval so much that he killed thinking he might have it.
    I wonder how many times I have wanted the apporval of "the world" so much that I broke one of God's commandments.

  3. This chapter is like watching the familiar plots we see in movies. The mastermind who plays all the cards at the right time to get what he wants.

    What is scarey is that watching movies, we often get caught up in the story. Find our hearts racing as we react to the plot. We clap or cringe at "those" moments played out before us.

    In our "real" world, so many times the plot is playing out just like a movie, but we aren't engaged for some reason. We aren't recognizing the story. We aren't trying to guess the ending. God is sitting up there engaged in our movie, cringing or clapping at the exciting parts.

    We believe that we didn't see "it" coming, when reality is... we weren't looking.

  4. I enjoyed the scripture thoughts on Alma. I am trying to journal with my scriptures and I think I need I need to make it more like how you are doing it.
    Thanks for sharing and blessing to you!

  5. One of my favorite quotes is based on this chapter and the story of Lehonti...I found it so I could copy and paste it. Sister Dalton in a 2008 talk titled "A Return to Virtue" said, "Lehonti in the Book of Mormon was well positioned on the top of a mountain. He and those he led were “fixed in their minds with a determined resolution” that they would not come down from the mount. It only took the deceitful Amalickiah four tries, each one more bold than the previous, to get Lehonti to “come down off from the mount.” And then having embraced Amalickiah’s false promises, Lehonti was “poison[ed] by degrees” until he died. Not just poisoned, but “by degrees.” Could it be that this may be happening today? Could it be that first we tolerate, then accept, and eventually embrace the vice that surrounds us? Could it be that we have been deceived by false role models and persuasive media messages that cause us to forget our divine identity? Are we too being poisoned by degrees?"
    Such a powerful reminder to remain on the hill and not let the sutble degrees of the adversary poison us and distract us from our greatest goal!


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