Alma 53

Alma 53

Just a few things today: I am always moved at the power an oath or promise had back then.  These days it seems a rarity.  It is commonplace to go back on ones word, even to yourself.   I truly admire the integrity and honor of a man's word- even among the fiercest of Lamanites.

I also love the description of the young warriors in vv 20 and 21:

And they were all young men, and they were exceedingly valiant foacourage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all—they were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.
 21Yea, they were men of truth and asoberness, for they had been taught to keep the commandments of God and to bwalk uprightly before him.
What did you get out of it?



  1. Two things. The first is a little political. Wouldn't it be amazing if our country's leadership could take a clue from Moroni. I thought it was pretty reasonable to have the prisoners build their own prison. How much different would our world be if the political powers had the power and influence of God to lead- or at least if they listened.

    Second. I also love verses 20-21! Those verses set the stage for what is expected of our youth and ourselves. Valiant. Courageous. Strong. Active. Trustworthy in all things. Sober. Faithful. I work to be these things, but know I have so much further to go.

  2. I noted with great interest that "dissensions" among the Nephits v 9 and how it placed them in "most dangerous circumstances". I fear that sometimes I allow dissension into my life/home and the spirit is offended.

    Reading between the lines the intrigue must have come from the adults, the parents of the stripling warriors. Obviously, those 2000 young men had choices.

    I wish I knew more of what motivated them to make the choices they did. Later we hear that their mother's testimonies was very important.


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