Alma 50

Alma 50

In this chapter the Nephites move from fortifying their cities, building up defenses, and defending themselves in battle to an offensive approach.  Seeking out and chasing out the Lamanites and cutting off their fortifications.  I see this through a parental eye (which seems to be a common view here) and think about fortifying my home against the adversary.  Now that I have done that, I need to take on offensive approach.

I can do that by making sure I go places where the Spirit can, help my kids choose faithful friends and wholesome activities and so on.

There was so much more in this chapter. What did you get out of if?

Tomorrow :Sabbath Rest- no post.

MONDAY- Alma 51


  1. All day I have been thinking about pickets. The Nephites used them to build up the guard around their cities.

    Folks use them to build barriers to keep the neighbors dog and thievin' hoodlums out of their yard. (Which we desperately need at our house-guess that's one reason they are on my mind.)

    Then there are the personal "pickets" the attitudes, manners (or lack thereof) and other behaviors that keep people away from each other. Witnessing some of those "pickets" today really made me stop and think about how when a person is so engulfed in their own selfishness they put up those fortifications and walls and no one, not even God sometimes, can get in. It's sad to see.

    I think we need pickets. Especially around our front yard. But we also need to be mindful that a lovely garden gate (with a lock) is necessary also. We can shut the gate when need be, but open it and let the important and meaningful people in.

    Nephites needed to lock the gate and put up pickets against the Lamanites. But the day they locked the gates against the Lord, it was all over but the shouting.

  2. Angie, your wisdom is amazing to me. I'm so glad you leave comments on here. They make me a better person!

  3. Late I know.

    As I read chapter 50, verse 6 was very important to me. Moroni prepared for the "coming of their enemies" there was not an IF they would come.

    For me that meant I needed to be prepared for the trials and temptations that I would have. There is not an IF in my life either. The only IF is the type, kind of trial, temptation I may have.

    Like Moroni I need to be prepared for ALL trials, temptation. His prepartions can be an example for me also. He protected the protections.

    Can I do too much to protect myself from Satan and his sly, cunning attacks?

  4. Thanks for the reminder, Launa. I need to check my IFs! I think it is too easy to say IF and leave things to chance. Ultimately, WE have control over who we become and how we handle our life.


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