Alma 51

Alma 51

This entry will be short and profoundly unprofound- but I am tired and not fully focused today (remember I said I have good days and bad days in my reading)  I am hoping for some great insights from you all!

I am amazed at the Nephites inability to maintain peace for a long period of time! Most of the contention arises from pride.  I look at the church and have met, on occasion, people who do not like the way it is run.  They petition their leaders to make changes according to their desires.  When they don't get what they feel is right, they are offended, often speaking ill of other members, church leaders and sometimes even leaving the church.  I think one of the hardest things to do is to align your will with Gods.  It is the great task for us all.

What do you think?



  1. Moroni "was exceedingly wroth because of the stubbornness of those people whom he had labored with so much diligence to preserve............ "

    We can only do so much. Whether it is for church members as a whole or in part, community, relatives, or immediate family. We can't preserve those who choose not to be preserved.

    I am reminded of a lesson taught during Relief Society a year ago or so.... The sister teaching the lesson was telling us a story about dealing with her wayward daughter. Her daughter #2 finally got after her (the mom) because the mom was so frustrated at not being able to "save" her daughter #1. I loved the part when daughter #2 said to her mother.... "You are not her Savior. She already has one of those." or something to that effect.

    Ultimately, we are not anyone's Savior. They already have one. All we can do is the best we can do. Remembering some people are who they are and that's what they want to be. We can't save them. Only they can turn to God and ultimately save themselves.

  2. Ang- I am so glad you take the time to read and comment each day. I love seeing new things in the scriptures through your eye. Your comments were something I needed to hear today. Thanks, Friend :)


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