Alma 57

Alma 57

A few verses stuck out in my mind today.  Vs 9- they wanted to be so prepared to defend themselves that the Nephites slept on their swords. I thought about how that translates to my war with Satan. Sleeping on my sword, being ever-ready to fight, to me means that I always have a prayer on my lips, my scriptures close and a willing heart.

I love how later in this chapter it talks about faith. The miraculous survival of every Stripling Warrior was credited to their faith.  Their "minds were firm" That is one of my favorite sayings. It is up to us to believe. Faith is a choice.  We make up our minds what we believe, and how devoted we will be to it.  We decide what degree of obedience we live, we decide if we allow doubts to arise.  Their minds were firm, and because of that they were blessed. Love it!

What did you get today?



  1. To obey with exactness. To have complete faith in God.

    One thing I am learning more and more is that when I get a prompting and obey it not only builds my faith, but it opens the door wider for more promtings. Which is a circle I seem to be caught in lately. Ask for guidance. Be obedient. Build faith. Get another prompting. Be obedient and build more faith.

    I am learning that I have to listen so I can hear. I think that is where things sometimes get hard. There's so much "noise" in my world that I have to make opportunities for quiet so I can hear.

    Sounds all warm and fuzzy.... but reality is, sometimes I am not particularly thrilled with the prompting. Planting corn in the overgrown flower/weed bed. But I am trying to be obedient anyway.


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