Alma 43

Alma 43

The first two verses of this chapter hit home to me today.  Alma saw his sons go forth among the people to declare the word to them.  He could not rest, so he went out as well to preach the word.  I wonder if it's like the feeling I get on Black Friday, where I know there are so many sales out there, and I just can't stay home and miss them...

But seriously- if I examine my faith, and what I truly believe, how can I rest? How can I not serve or share or read or testify?  If I can rest from all that- then do I need to reexamine the level of my testimony?

In verse 2 it talks about not just what they did, but how they did it. They magnified their callings through personal revelation and integrity.  They honored the order of God and the priesthood they held.

Now we get into the "war chapters"........................... this has been likened to eating saltine crackers without drinking any water.  But, let's see what nuggets we can find together.  :)

I am going to steal from a previous post on another blog of mine a pattern that I recognized in chapter 43 (and two additional verses from other chapters that tie in).  They are the Keys to Winning a War.

1. Know your cause and what you are fighting for. (43:9)
2. Recognize the enemy (43:10-11)
3. Arm yourself and prepare well (43:18-19)
4. Seek and follow the Lord's counsel (43:24,47)
5. Make a strategic plan (43:29-44)
6. Remember your cause (43:45)
7. Cry to the Lord for strength  when you need help (43:49)
8. Fight with Divine Power - you are not alone (43:50)
9. Acknowledge the Lord's hand (44:4)
10. Give thanks to the Lord (54:1)

These steps were imperative in fighting against the Lamanites.  These same steps are imperative in our fight against the Adversary. I often revisit these steps to make sure I am applying every one in my life.  I ask myself about each step: Do I know my cause and what I am fighting for? Do I recognize the Adversary and his tactics? And so on.

What did you get out of chapter 43?



  1. Verse 11 - What about the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi caused the "... extreme hatred of the Lamanites ...."?
    Verse 44 - The chief captains of the Lamanites were apostate Nephites, chosen because their hatred of the Nephites was stronger than the hatred of the Lamanites for the Nephites, echoing the principle taught in D&C 121:37-38. What is there about apostacy that creates a hatred for the Nephites stronger than the 500 year hatred of the Lamanites for the Nephites?

  2. Some say that darkness is the opposite of light. But I think darkness is the absence of light. I think people who once have the light of the gospel then deny it are in a deeper darkness than those who never had it at all. Ive seen it occasionally with members of the church who have left the church,then become bitter and angry towards the chuch and the members.

  3. I like the keys to winning a war...they will work great with my lesson on Sunday. We are talking about families under attack...these steps will apply perfectly :) I just noticed free Fridays...that will give me time to catch I'm on to 44 :)


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