Suit Yourself Saturday- Joseph F. Smith Quote

Here's a quote by Joseph F. Smith that I have glued in the front of my scriptures:

"As a boy I would frequently go out and ask the Lord to show me some marvelous thing in order that I might receive a testimony.  But the Lord withheld marvels from me, and showed me the truth. line up line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, until he made known the truth from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, and until doubt and fear had been absolutely purged from the Spirit of the living God, he gave to me the testimony I possess."

I absolutely love this quote!

"But the Lord withheld marvels from me, and showed me the truth."  I used to pray for big answers, looking for signs of God and angels, but the big answers never came. But- my testimony is strong and firm, and I know it's because, rather than show me marvels and miracles, the Lord showed me the truth by the Spirit, line up line, here a little, there a little, until it filled my whole soul.

With each calling I magnified, each prayer I said, each visit I made, each scripture I read, each person I served I was taught the truth of the Gospel- not because I saw something wonderful, but because through Him, I lived something wonderful and can become wonderful, too.

Oh- and by the way- today my youngest is getting baptized! I'm so proud of her and how far she has come! It's going to be a great day!


  1. My quote is from a song.... "I guess we are only one phone call from our knees."

    Sometimes that is hitting our knees in gratitude. Sometimes it is in anguish. Sometimes we just have to take a really deep breath before we answer.

    Lately, if I hit my knees with every "phone" call... I would be black and blue and unable to stand.

  2. I am reading Teachings of Thomas S. Monson at the moment and here is one of many good thoughts from it. "It was not raining when Noah was commanded to build an ark. Two Heavenly Personages were not yet seen when Joseph knelt and prayed. There was no visible ram in the thicket when Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac. First came the test of faith, and then the miracle."

    Hope you had a lovely day at the baptism of your youngest daughter.

  3. I love it! Thanks for sharing. And yes, yesterday was a beautiful day for her and all of us :)


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