1 Nephi 9

Chapter 9

Nephi makes two sets of records—Each is called the plates of Nephi—The larger plates contain a secular history; the smaller ones deal primarily with sacred things. About 600–592 B.C.


This chapter, to me, has always been about trusting and living God's will. Nephi didn't know why he was supposed to make two separate plates- but he knew that God had a wise purpose, so he did.

We now know that the other plates, the plates of Lehi, were given to Martin Harris and consequently lost.

It's because Nephi made this second record that we even have their story today.

Hindsight is 20/20.  In my life, I know that there are things that I have experienced where I think, "Man, I didn't sign up for this.  It doesn't make sense why this has to happen." It's a fine line between that and question God's will.

I don't know very much- but I have found that I know Heavenly Father enough to know that He loves me and wants the very best for me and His other children. Sometimes He asks me to suffer a but for the sake of one of His other children that needs help more.  Sometimes I am required to stretch and grow for my own benefit.  No matter the cause, the reason is the same: It is His will.

This does not, however, count my sins and bad choices.  Those are all my own doing.  He would rather me not- but it's His will that I come to Him and repent- which isn't always easy in and of itself.

I am inspired by Nephi's trust in God.  A while later, in chapter 11 verse 16&17 (I'm getting a little ahead of myself here) an angel asks Nephi if he understands a principle.  He answers: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.

There again Nephi exemplifies not only his trust in God, but his keen awareness of God's love for Him and all his children.  Often he calls it the tender mercies of the Lord.

 I don't know everything.  In fact, I really don't know much at all, but I know that God loves me. And that is good enough. 


  1. I am struck by the repeated use of the word "all" in v 9.
    The Lord knoweth ALL things, acomplish ALL his works, hath ALL power, futhfilling ALL his words.

    Reading Nephi's testimony, strengthen's my testimony of the omnipotent knowledge of my Heavenly Father. I really do not need to worry (if I am doing my best) because a loving Father will see to it that all will work out for my best good.

    The personal challenge is to chose not to worry but to trust.

    A HUGE challenge:)

  2. I was going to write a question.... then as I typed it I realized I was answering it myself. It was basically... If the Lord knows everything that is going to happen then where does free agency fit in. Then I said to myself.... well you can "see" what is going to happen when person A makes choice B. So why is that any different?

    It is not difficult to predict the outcome when there are only two paths. The one leading away from God - full of heartache, frustration, negativity, drama, etc. etc. etc. The path leading to God - full of heartache, frustration, drama...... and peace... knowing that either path has it's ups and downs, but after it's all said and done, the path to God has the tools available to make it easier until we reach the end.

  3. I always wondered how in the world God could know everything from the beginning to the end already, but there is the proof right there in this chapter. Heavenly Father is so wise. I am very grateful for Nephi's obedience, despite not knowing the reasons.


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