2 Nephi 1

Chapter 1

Lehi prophesies of a land of liberty—His seed will be scattered and smitten if they reject the Holy One of Israel—He exhorts his sons to put on the armor of righteousness. About 588–570 B.C.


Even back then they had 3-hour block meetings!  Nephi spoke (in a 4-chapter long Sacrament Meeting), and now when he was finished, Lehi also spake unto them (Gospel Doctrine class.)

Verse 6- Lehi states that he prophesies according to the Spirit which is in him.  Nephi clarified that in 1 Nephi 22:2, that prophets receive prophecies through the Spirit.

14- Arise from the dust and hear the words of a trembling parent!  Lehi saw the destruction of his own descendants- his family.  And he was staring at the two people that could have, if they had faith and simply obeyed, changed all of that.  Laman and Lemuel could have softened their hearts, and changed the lives of thousands upon thousands of their descendants. It's no wonder Lehi spoke with such passion, such emotion, that caused him to tremble.

But, even though he knew, alas, his words were falling on deaf ears, Lehi had the eternal perspective.  He understand that, regardless of what any one else does in his family- or the world, past or future for that matter- that HE was redeemed, and that HE was loved.

Lehi understood that he couldn't control his children.  But, he was still responsible to teach them.

Lehi also understood that the only thing he could truly control was his own standing before the Savior.

So, even though he was on his death bed, he had two rebellious and angry sons who had already plotted to kill him at least once, and his posterity would be decimated, he knew he was encircled in the arms of his Savior's eternal love- and there he found his peace.

But- he still kept trying to teach his children and be obedient himself until the day he died.

What a great example to me- and one I needed to read about this time in my life.  My kids are getting older and are making choices of their own.  It was easier in some respects when they were younger and I could just tell them what to do, what to wear and what to say.  I had so much more control over them.  I was secure in that, because I kept them happy and safe.

But, they are older now and making more and more choices on their own.  There is a part of me that wants to keep that control, to keep them happy and safe.  But, they are becoming their own people and must choose for themselves.

That is terrifying to me.

Well- maybe not terrifying- but is sure is hard for me to let go.  It's hard for me to see them make choices I wouldn't necessarily have made for them, choices that bring themselves pain and sadness.

If only they would listen to the words of a trembling parent!

But, I take heart and find peace in knowing that all I can do is be obedient and teach them.  In the end, I will stand alone to face my Savior and will be accountable for MY actions, not theirs (if I have done and taught all I could.) In the end, are accountable for who we will be when we stand before Him.

And, in the end, they will face Him alone, too.

I feel a connection with Lehi on those parental grounds.  I am sad for him. The worst my kids have done is tell me I dance "so eighties."  They haven't tried to kill me - yet (fingers crossed.)

What did you think/learn today?


  1. First, our country/land was kept secret from the world so it wouldn't be overrun and to give a chance for a righteous foundation.

    I completely relate to the parental warnings, tremblings, and overwhelming desire for my children to choose a righteous path. And yes.... It's much harder now that they are young adults!

    We have to keep the commandment or be cut off from God. I don't want to be cut off!

  2. I like what Lehi says about the Lord in verse 15 - "I am encircled about eternally in the arms of his love." This is what I want also. What a wonderful feeling.

    I think there is a good lesson to learn in verse 27. Lehi reminds the people that when Nephi tells them to be obedient, the message is really coming from the Lord. This is certainly the case with our modern day prophets and apostles also, and sometimes people have a problem with what they say, thinking they ask too much. But they forget it is really coming from the Lord. Would we tell the Lord he asks too much???


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