1 Nephi 12

Chapter 12

Nephi sees in vision the land of promise; the righteousness, iniquity, and downfall of its inhabitants; the coming of the Lamb of God among them; how the Twelve Disciples and the Twelve Apostles will judge Israel; and the loathsome and filthy state of those who dwindle in unbelief. About 600–592 B.C.

Kind of random thoughts today...

I wonder what Nephi must have felt like seeing his posterity's demise.  Was there a disconnect because it was a thousand years in the future? Or was it painful to see?

Can you imagine a thousand years from now? I feel pretty safe assuming that that will be some time during the millennium.  Could be wrong- but I don't think so. But as I think about my posterity, that some, perhaps many (hopefully few) will not walk in paths of righteousness does make me sad.  I want to do all I can help my children develop strong testimonies of their own that they can pass down from generation to generation.  I want a piece of me and my testimony to be here in them a thousand years from now.  Will it happen? I don't know- but it doesn't hurt to try.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. I also found it sad, to learn that Nephi saw the demise of his descedants, that they battled with the descendants of his brothers.

    Years ago, when my children were little, I found it very sad when they fought with each other. As adults the disagreements are adult size but still happen.

    I would hate to think that the adult disagreements might lead to their demise/spiritualy or other wise.

    The very thought breaks my hear:(.

    I am sure Nephi's feelings were even more profound.

  2. All your thoughts are very true about how hard Nephi would have found it seeing his posterity's demise.
    But I would like to focus on verse 6 and the wonder that it contained.
    "And I saw the heavens open, and the Lamb of God descending out of heaven, and he came down and showed himself unto them."
    Can you imagine the joy that Nephi felt to see that Christ himself would appear to his descendants?
    And he saw 12 of his descendants chosen to be the Lord's 12 Disciples, and that the people would be righteous for many years! Now that would be great cause to rejoice.

  3. After dealing with the vain imaginations, wickedness and "broad" roads others are walking on this week. I have pretty much given up on hope that some people can actually be saved. It's hard to deal with it and it would be hard to have been Nephi and watching it.


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