2 Nephi 4

Chapter 4

Lehi counsels and blesses his posterity—He dies and is buried—Nephi glories in the goodness of God—Nephi puts his trust in the Lord forever. About 588–570 B.C.


I love this chapter.  It makes Nephi real to me.  Yes, he saw angels and had visions- but he had frustrations and disappointments.  He was hard on himself. I can relate to that.

But I love what he does when he is feeling negative feelings.  He turns to God because he trusts him.

I call this Nephi's joy prayer- because that's what I feel when I read it.  He has such a love and testimony of the Lord and His goodness. He knows where he receives his strength from.

Of course verse 34 is one of my favorites: Oh Lord, I have trusted in thee and I will trust in thee forever.

It has been said that the hearts of men will fail them.  Partly because they lack the faith in God that Nephi had.

I watched this video yesterday and thought I'd share is since it is so applicable to the message of this chapter. It's only three minutes long.  Hope you enjoy it.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. Thank you, THANK YOU! for including the testimony of an apostle.

    Today's reading was exactly what I needed personaly.

    I love the example of Lehi blessing his children. When our children were in school it was our habit to gather and Bro. Noll would give them priesthood blessings before each school year. It is a sweet memory.

    Now that they are older they have requested a blessing before a demanding year in college, or needed personal advice.

    I am so greatful that the Priesthood has been restored and I have it in my home!

  2. It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day trials and things that throw us off track. The things don't even have to be big! Dishes that aren't done. Dinner that needs to be made. Attitudes of people we work with or family who may be having a bad day. Reading the scriptures each day helps me keep my perspective in the right direction.

  3. Thank you for that idea of blessing your children at the beginning of their school year. I think that is a great thing. Sometimes I forget that we have the availability of priesthood blessings and help in our home. My daughter just started kindergarten last week and I think she could do with a blessing to help her and protect her.

    I really enjoyed the video clip attached, so thanks from me too. I love what he said about how perfection is not found in this life, but in the next. The Lord just expects improvement. Living in this day when we have such easy access to the words of our living Prophets and Apostles is such a blessing.

    Nephi's testimony was beautiful to read in this chapter. I marked several little phrases. Verse 16 - "Behold my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord and my heart pondereth continually upon them." And verse 30 - "O Lord, I will praise thee forever, yea my soul will rejoice in thee, my God and the rock of my salvation." This verse made me think of a song called "All my days" on Hilary Weeks new album.
    Here is a video clip of the song for you to all enjoy.
    Just copy this link into your internet browser address line.


    Have a great day everybody.


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