1 Nephi 6

Chapter 6

Nephi writes of the things of God—Nephi’s purpose is to persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham and be saved. About 600–592 B.C.

I think it's interesting that even back then Nephi knew that the things that please the world are different than the things that please God.  We would think over 2000 years we would learn this lesson.

Verse 4 encapsulates the intent of all the writers of the Book of Mormon: to persuade men to come unto Christ.   I know that in my study of it, I have grown closer to Him.  I hope you have, too.


  1. While I know Nephi was talking about records... his attitude came acrossed as.... don't sweat the small stuff.

    There is a lot going on in our lives and all around us. But if we can edit those things and arrange our priority list only the really important things are going to be written in our "book of life."

  2. In vs 4 Nephi refers to his seed; that has been amotivating force in my journal keeping. Before our third and last child was born, I began to keep a journal (I am a slow starter). I wanted my descendants to know of my testimony.

  3. I thought the exact same thing Angie. It's not that the small stuff doesn't matter at all, it just doesn't matter right now. Oh...I have some much prioritizing to do in my life!!! Ultimately we need to worry about coming unto Christ and following his example so we can return to him. I keep thinking that if I can make that my focus, everything else will fall into place. You can't go wrong when you are focusing on what is right.


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