1 Nephi 18

Chapter 18

The ship is finished—The births of Jacob and Joseph are mentioned—The company embarks for the promised land—The sons of Ishmael and their wives join in revelry and rebellion—Nephi is bound, and the ship is driven back by a terrible tempest—Nephi is freed, and by his prayer the storm ceases—The people arrive in the promised land. About 591–589 B.C.


This will be a short one-

I love how this chapter shows the symbiotic relationship between Nephi and the Lord.

The Lord showed Nephi form time to time what he should do.

Nephi prayed often to the Lord.

The Lord showed Nephi great things.

All that in the first three verses.

I love the Lord.  I love that He tells me what to do from time to time.  I love how he expects me to work on my own from time to time.  I love the direction He gives me and the freedom I have to follow it.

I also love that when I search for Him, He is always there.  I've seen great things.  I've felt great things.  I've done great things.  And they have all come from Him.

I love the Nephi acknowledges the Lord's hand in all his doings.

What did you think/learn today?

PS- Hi Liz!  I'm talking to you today!  Sure love you ;)


  1. Well, mine will be even shorter. Kind of relating to the parents this morning. Gray hairs and all.

  2. Thanks for the "shout out" Michelle :) What strikes me in this chapter is the same thing we've seen before - Nephi's brothers are humbled by his ship building but then a few verses later they are mad again and are tying him up. I think the lesson here is how quick we can forget God's hand in our lives.
    And....Angie, you make me laugh :)

  3. In verse 11 Nephi talks about how he was bound by his brothers and then he says "the Lord did suffer it that he might show forth his power....." And then in verse 20 it says "And there was nothing save it where the power of God, which threatened them with destruction, could soften their hearts..."

    Sometimes when bad things happen in life we think to ourselves, how could God let this happen?
    I was watching a movie about Joseph Smith being the prophet of the restoration yesterday and it showed when the saints were in Nauvoo and many got sick from the mosquitos in the swampland and some died. People may wonder, why would God let his faithful followers go through such a difficult trial? But then it went on to show in the movie how Joseph Smith went around healing and curing many of the saints. So perhaps the same thing applies to this experience, as did to Nephi's experience. God allowed the bad thing to happen so that his power could be shown forth. For what a marvelous sight that would have been to see the power of God working through Joseph Smith and curing the people.

  4. So far behind everyone right now. Anyhow, I've been noting all the times that Nephi's brothers "humbled" themselves only to become wicked and prideful again. (And again and again.) Relating to all of the people in the story in one point of my life or another. And hoping to stay humbled this time.

    As an aside, I know I'm not the only person who has heard snide remarks about horses in ancient America being a falsehood in the Book of Mormon. I found this post from Drexel University very informative: http://www.ansp.org/museum/leidy/paleo/equus.php .


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