2 Nephi 2

Chapter 2

Redemption comes through the Holy Messiah—Freedom of choice (agency) is essential to existence and progression—Adam fell that men might be—Men are free to choose liberty and eternal life. About 588–570B.C.


What an amazing chapter! Spiritual and temporal death, the Atonement, agency, The Fall, mortal probation and more!

I love the deep doctrine that is contained here in this chapter.  It's what we learn in Sunday School- just written 2500 years ago :)

What amazes me even more is the answers that I find to my every day life questions here in the Book of Mormon.  

I've been struggling with the amount of arguing that has been going on between the children lately.  My little one gets the brunt of the teasing because, well, to the older ones she is just very teasable.  I prayed earnestly of late to find the answer; a way to help bring the peace into the home.  I've looked online at different experts' opinions, incentive programs and so forth.

I was very discouraged yesterday after church. A few tears and prayers and a little ice cream helped, but I still didn't know what to do- until I read this chapter.

The answer came to me in the first few verses.  I red them as if I were the parent talking to my youngest child:  "And now, Grace...behold in they childhood thou hast suffered afflictions and much sorrow, because of the rudeness of they siblings. Nevertheless, Grace...thou knowest the greatness of God; and He shall consecrate thine afflictions for they gain. Wherefore, thy soul shall be blessed..."

It hit me harder than a ton of bricks. I don't need to act like a referee.  I need to teach her, and the others, more about the gospel, about God, so they can learn from their experiences and not resent them.

Of course I'll have rules, guidelines and boundaries in place, but when they grow up in the light of the gospel they will see things differently.  Their afflictions can be consecrated for their gain.  The gospel gives purpose and perspective to pain.

The rest of the chapter covers all the things that my children need to know: the need of a Savior, the blessing of agency, the purpose of this life.

What a blessing the scriptures are!  And how grateful I am for the answers God gives me through them.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. It was a little thing that caught my eye in the midst of ALL the different points that could be made.

    It was about free agency..... that men could not really choose for themselves unless they could *Be enticed one way or the other*..... There can come a point in a righteous persons life that you are no longer drawn to the things of Satan. It doesn't mean you are perfect, but those things which lure men away from Christ become extremely distasteful and there is no desire for them.

    I was pondering it and thought that it would be so great if I could get to that point. So anything that took me away from God was so distasteful that I wouldn't even go there. It wouldn't necessarily take away my free agency, but it would make my life so that I didn't have to worry about making a choice because the choice was already made.

    Scrambled thoughts. But it made sense to me. =)

  2. I agree, this chapter had many good things in it. In verse 8 Lehi talks about missionary work and how important it is that others know of the gospel. And in verse 30, he says to his sons "And I have none other object save it be the everlasting welfare of your souls." I understood this to mean that the most important thing to Lehi was teaching his sons the gospel so they could be saved. It is the most important thing to me too, but I don't think I am doing enough to put it into action. I have the faith, but need to do more works.

    Verse 24 really struck me too. "But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things." We need to read this scripture every time we have a challenge. What wonderful words.


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