Helaman 9

Helaman 9

I love this story.  It's such a great "I told you so" story- even though I know that was not the mindset or intent of Nephi. He gave all the glory to God.

I found it interesting that in verse 39 it talked about a couple of different reasons, or ways, that people believed Nephi. Some believed because of his words.  Other's believed becasue of his actions. People watch us.  They watch what we do and what we say. Some might believe what we do because of our words.  Others might believe what we say because of our actions.  If both our words and deeds are in line with the gospel plan and His will for us, that we can have the opportunity to influence many people.

But, if we say one thing and do another, it will be considered hypocrisy and we can actually do more damage than good.  It's just another good reminder to practice what we preach.

What did you get out of this chapter?

TOMORROW: Helaman 10


  1. People are so fickle. Tossed to and fro... believe- don't believe. Up and down - back and forth. If we see a sign we will believe. If we hear you speak or watch something you do we will believe or maybe it will destroy our faith. Those type of people are not willing to take the whole measure upon themselves. They are always putting if off on someone else's choices. To me they are not firmly rooted.

    Many years ago I made a choice to believe that God appeared to the prophet Joseph Smith. That is THE point for me. If it didn't happen, the church is false. If it did happen the church is true. To question whether or not there is a God, never an issue.

    Not that I don't struggle with things because there have been SOOOOOO many things over the years that have tested my strength and faith. But the bottom line.... it's true. It happened. And that.... that is what keeps me firmly rooted.

    Nephi... rooted. Swirling masses of unbelievers, opinion changers, whiners, evil doers.... not rooted. Wind of discontent blows... rooted folks stand.... unrooted folks topple over. Much easier for God to walk through his fields and pick up the righteous, cause they are all going to be upright.

  2. Angie- You are so awesome! I love your insights! You should write your own blog. I learn so much from you :)

  3. Chapters 8 and 9 are some of my favorites in the BOM. It is so cool to see how the prophet words are validated. Some of the people believed AFTER Nephi was proven corect. In verse 37 it states "the words which he said were true".

    I have come to know that the words from the prophets are spoken for my benefit. I am blessed when I follow their counsel. I have come to learn AGAIN that morning prayers, scripture reading is necessary for my well being spiritual and physical.

    The comfort and strength I receive as the result of obedience is difficult to discribe, except I willingly do all I can to keep it.


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