1 Nephi 4

1 Nephi 4

This chapter is known for the story of how Nephi obtained the brass plates from Laban. There are so many facets to it: courage, faith, following the promptings of the Holy Ghost, etc.  I picked out just a few that struck me today.

First, I found this picture/poster online and thought I'd share.

It is the artist's depiction of the emotions that Nephi might have been feeling in verses 9-10 (and I'd like to think through 19.)  

Nephi was a thinker. He wondered, he pondered, he analyzed. He thirsted for knowledge.  If you look at verse 13, the Spirit had told Nephi three times to kill Laban.  Nephi was a man of great faith, and would have followed through regardless. But, In verses 14 through 17, Nephi took an intellectual journey that, along with the promptings of the Spirit, gave him the understanding and courage to kill Laban.

The Spirit told him it was right. It made sense in his mind.  But, still, I can see how his heart ached and he sorrowed at the thought of taking a man's life. He was young, and had never shed the blood of any man before.

Sometimes we think that the act of being obedient will make us gleefully happy. Not in this case, and not in many other cases.  But, Nephi knew the Lord was right, and he understood the bigger picture.

I look at my life and can see many times the Lord has asked me to make sacrifices that caused me sorrow at the time. For most, after the fact, I can see His wisdom, and even tender mercies in His request. For others, I know I will understand someday, and that is good enough for me.

The other thing that hit me was actually the first thing I read. In verses 1 and 2, twice Nephi uses the words "Let us go" and "Let us be."

Obedience isn't just us in motion, it us our spirits in progression. When do activily "DO" the things he has asked us to do, we "BECOME" something more. This is proven in verse 31 when Nephi says, "I Nephi, being a man large in stature, and also having receive much strength of the Lord...

When we follow His will, He can lead us to places we couldn't find on our own, introduce us to opportunities we could not have created on our own, and make us more than we are on our own. 

We can look back at my friend Kristine's favorite verse, 1 Nephi 2:20 and see it there as well: "And insomuch as ye shall keep the commandments (follow His will) ye shall prosper (be more), and shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you (new opportunity they could not have created on their own.)...."

I love finding the same truths sprinkled throughout the Book of Mormon!

He truly qualifies us for the work, if we but have a willing heart and follow Him. It is up to us, and Nephi knew that. In speaking to a very frightened Zoram, Nephi said in verse 32: "...Surely the Lord hath commanded us to do this thing; and shall we not be diligent in keeping the commandments of the Lord?"

The same can be said of the universal commandments (The Big Ten, etc) as well as our own personal commandments- the things that God has asked us to do through the promptings of the Holy Ghost in our lives for Him.

PERSONAL CHALLENGE:  Think of something the Lord has asked you to do that you might be struggling with, or perhaps have been afraid to do it. Ask Him for help, and make the step in faith to obey. There is a greater purpose in everything He asks of us...even the hard things.


  1. I love how this chapter brings out the value of an oath given..in a world where so much of what is sa
    id is untrue ,this oath that carried so much weight is impressive to me.

    1. I think about that often when I read the Book of Mormon. Over the span of that 800 the power of an oath rarely if even failed- even between enemies.

      We don't see that much today. Lots of empty words and shifting promises. Sad.

  2. Just a couple day ago I was going to family history center while a child was at institute & knew that I was to really work on my mil family. I wasn't really excited about it, but she turns 80 in the fall and I knew I was to gather her family lines together and compile them for her and prepare hem for temple work..though a little grudgingly. I would have rathered worked on my family.
    I sat in the car outside the ctr and said a sincere pray asking for help and direction....I felt a sweetness that excited my heart and I knew that I was on the right path and "they" were excited.
    That evening I was able to gather so much new information, including sketches of individuals and even a homestead. I have much yet to do, but know through God's tender mercies that a stubborn child as I can still have help from Him and others on the otherside of the veil, but I feel the hope of "prospering in the land."

    1. Kristine, you are amazing. I felt the warmth of the Spirit just reading your comment. I'm certain they are filled with joy that you are finding them and assisting in their salvation. What a sweet experience! Thank you for sharing.

      It's important to note that even a little begrudgingly, you still did it.

      And what a neat picture you've painted about the heavenly help we can have from beyond the veil. I can't help but think that when I read the scriptures, do my family history, etc that there are others on the other side who are smiling, and even helping and influencing me.

      Thanks for sharing :)

  3. I wonder if the men in our armed forces feel as Nephi did about having to shed blood, or if they thirst for it. This is one of the signs of a wicked people, their thirst for blood. I fear our people are becoming more blood-thirsty.

    1. I think some are.

      I, too, wondered about that last night actually, when I was watching - if you can believe this - an old Chuck Norris movie called Delta Force on cable. Even edited and cheesy, it was one kill after another (all in the name of saving hostages.) Granted, it was a poorly done, cheesy 80's film - but still, I was disturbed by the lack of even the slightest degree of pause or emotion as they shot one person after another.

      I know the movie wasn't close to realistic, but it still made me think about Nephi (I write my posts the day before so they can post at midnight- so I actually read chapter 4 yesterday- Thursday- morning. Sh- it's my little secret) and the way that he anguished over the thought of hurting one man.

      Not that I expect our soldiers to stop and ponder before protecting- but I see the problems that come when they lose sight of the human aspect of their jobs, when people become targets to hit.

      I see that even in young men as they play their shooting video games. Again- soooo not reality- but when I heard my son a few years back while playing Call of Duty say, "That was a sweet head shot!" I took the game away and we had a come-to-Jesus talk about it. He plays now, but not often and it is with a different perspective.

  4. I guess I am still stuck on the personal revelation- personal guidance thought process. I recently gave up (temporary or permanently-I don't know) an extremely well paying job because it is what I felt I needed to do to be able to focus on the things that are more important. It has put me back into a poverty/frugal place that was really nice to be out of for the past year. I can't compare it to Nephi's angst at having to kill Laban, but the decision is still causes angst in my heart at times - even though I know it was the right choice.

    Nephi was educated in the things of the spirit. Without the knowledge of who God is and what the whisperings of the spirit feel like, we cannot follow, because we would not hear or understand what we are feeling is a prompting from God. Nephi would not have been able to follow. I recognize that the only way to truly be able to have personal revelation is to develop a relationship with God through obedience. If we listen and obey in the little things each day, the ability to hear and understand builds so we can more clearly hear on more things in our life.

    I don't always understand why God wants me to do "whatever" but I have learned that if I feel prompted and I obey, then it all works out- even when it is not easy to obey.

    1. Ang- maybe personal revelation is your "one thing," since it seems to be on the brains so much.

      I love your comments today (pretty much every day.) I remember when you were working. Out of poverty, yes, But you were highly stressed, too busy and, if I remember correctly, not very happy. You might be poor in pocket now, but you are richer in happiness.

  5. PS. I really like that picture...l think part of Nephis problem was they had just given up so much to remove themselves from the evil in that community,he was probably feeling pretty spiritual at that point and boom...he is commanded to what most would. accept as a sin. It must of been confusing...like is this some kind of test? But its kind of the whole be in the world(and deal with it) But not be of that world. Ok to late not sure l am making any sense night all

    1. Thanks Bonnie. There is something about pictures that move me, so I will often look for pictures to include in my posts. I love your insight, I hadn't considered that part it. It makes perfect sense! Love it!

  6. I love that you discussed obeying the Lord's commands, even when it's frightening or causes us sorrow. I truly pondered the times I have worried or shrank in fear when the Lord has told me to things out of my comfort zone. I felt a connection with your words here, reading the sorrow that you must have felt during some decisions - isn't it wonderful though how things always work out in the end the way the lord wanted them to!? I'm so grateful for his love and.guidance, even if sometimes it seems worrisome! thanks again for a fantastic post!

    1. I, too, am so grateful for God's guidance. It's so awesome to think that the creator of everything we see around us - everything we are - takes His time to personally guide us through this life, if we but listen to Him.


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