Helaman 2

Helaman 2

First off- Happy Independence Day!

The day that we celebrate our independence is a very appropriate day to read about the struggles of the Nephites to maintain theirs. How grateful I am to live in a country that allows me the freedom to worship as I please, that has a judicial system, and some sense (even though it is sliding) of united moral code.

I often get depressed about the direction of our country, but reading the Book of Mormon these past few weeks have given me a greater appreciation for this land that I live in.  As I read about the struggle the Nephites had among themselves and against the Lamanites, how much blood was shed- men, women and even innocent children- the lives lost, the living mourning, the courage, the faith, and the ability to forgive and move on, I am simply moved.  I am filled with gratitude for the men and women that have fought, and still do fight, for my freedom and safety.

This chapter shows the power of a "secret combination."  Evil is bad, but when coupled with a warped sense of brotherhood, comradeship, and purpose, it is detrimental.

TOMORROW: Helaman 3


  1. As I read this all I could think was how ever much things change, they are really still the same. It's kind of weird to be able to read from the Book of Mormon times and know that all you would have to do is change the names and so many of the same things would fit right in in todays world.

    How many of the people in their times feel the same way I do? Not much I can do about the general political climate except make my own little world and as safe and healthy as I can.


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