SYS 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I know, I know. I can't make up my mind with what do on the few days I'm not reading the Book of Mormon. I really enjoyed Suit Yourself Saturday, so I'm going back to that....for now.  Sometimes it might be a scripture, sometimes a talk AND you reply with anything you'd like share. It doesn't have anything to do with what I wrote. I think that's what I love about it :)

Anyway, this morning I did a Bible Roulette type of thing and opened my scriptures to these verses in 1 Corinthians:

Usually when I think about my body being a temple I think: modesty, chastity, no tattoos.  I don't have a problem with any of these.  But (confession time here) I do have a problem with eating.

I love food.

I love tasty food.

I love tasty, fatty, sugary food.

And I eat it.  A lot of it.

I am not a crazy eater- most of the time.  Take yesterday: I had a bowl of Corn Flakes for breakfast. A half of an egg salad sandwich for lunch.  A small portion of ribs, corn on the cob and fried zuccini for dinner. I even snacked on veggies and fruit after dinner.

Not bad, right? Well, interspersed throughout the day, I also had: two Zingers (so gooood!), four peanut butter and chocolate cookies (thanks Steph!) and a cup of ice cream.

I recognize the I am an emotional and enjoyment eater.

I love food and it makes me feel better.

What does that have to do with these verses?

For me, one of the biggest reasons we are here is to master the mortal body.  I don't drink, smoke, do drugs.  But, I really struggle with self-discipline when it comes to eating food.  Because of it, I am overweight (gulp, did I just say that out loud?)  I know that there are other problems associated with poor eating as well.

So, I read this this morning, and that is what popped into my mind: what I put into my body.  Would I take something filthy into the temple?

I think I need to change my perspective.  Instead of looking at food as my enemy or friend, I need look at my body as my sacred responsibility- my stewardship.

I've got one chance here in mortality- just one.  I do not want to end it short or compromise the quality of it because I can't put the donuts down (had 7 little Hostess donuts the other day before dinner.)

Moderation and Control. Two words that used to make me flinch- because I associated them with deprivation. I do not like to deprive myself of yummy things. If I want it, I usually eat it. Lucky for me I also want and eat lots of healthy stuff, too.

BUT the point is, for me, I need to look at the way I treat my body as another way to glorify and worship God.  (Coming from the girl that just made Nestle Chocolate Chip Cookies!)  Well, we can't all be perfect!


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