3 Nephi 4

3 Nephi 4

This chapter is very inspirational to me.

I remember once, not too long ago, that a trial was placed before me. I was afraid, and I really didn't want to face it. I mean, I really, really did not want to have go through it.I didn't feel equipped to handle it.  I fell to my knees and prayed. I sobbed, I begged.

But the trial didn't go away.  It came on full force.

When I read about the Nephites, they had the same experience- kind of. They saw a trial (Lamanites) before them.  They fell to their knees and asked God if he would spare them and deliver them.

But the Lamanites didn't go away. They came in full force.

The Nephites fought valiantly and defensively. Then they fought offensively until they had, with great cost, defeated their enemies. And when they were done, once again they fell to their knees, but this time in acknowledgment and gratitude for the deliverance they had requested in their initial prayers.

Now, they asked to be delivered, but they still had to fight. So, why were they so grateful? Because God gave them the strength to fight (10) and he gave them inspiration on how to fight.  They fought and they were delivered and they were humble and grateful.

So, back to my trial.  When I got off my knees the trial was still there. I knew that there was no way to escape. But I also knew that God loved me and would sustain me. I got through it. It took a lot of fighting within my self, a lot of prayer and a lot of struggle, but I made it through the toughest part.

It isn't over. And there are times when I feel scared again. But I cannot help but see the God's hand in my life in helping me get through it.

I need to get on my knees more in acknowledgment and gratitude. I know that.

I also know that deliverance doesn't always come by the removal of trials, no matter how badly we want them to go away.


  1. It's been a crazy week and I got behind on my scripture reading. I certainly feel the difference when I don't spend time each day!

    I like your comments. They made me think of a song on the radio station I listen to... It's called "blessings"... The gist... we pray for all kinds of blessings, but sometimes the Lord blesses us through raindrops, tears, sleepless nights, and that trials of this life are the Lord's mercies in disguise.

    I don't know of any normal person that wants the trials of this life. But when we can step aside from the stress of them and look for the blessings, it can certainly help make those trials more bearable. The Nephites seem to understand that principle- by turning to the Lord, they were able to overcome. It wasn't pretty. But they made it through in the end and were able to praise God for the blessings in disguise.


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