Helaman 13

Helaman 13

I love the tenacity of Samuel. He was commanded by God to preach to his city- they wouldn't let him in. He didn't give up and turn around. (Jonah ring a bell?)  No, Samuel climbed the wall and preached to the city from there.

When God asks us to do something, there is always a way it can be done. Sometimes we just need to think outside the box- or the city, in Samuel's case.

Again, here it talks about the power of the 'word.' Angie commented on the 'word' once in a post a while back. That has always stuck with me. The power that is in the word is amazing, and here, once again, we see that. In verse 8 the Nephites learn that unless they repent, the word will be taken from then.  Along with that, the Spirit will be taken away, and their enemies will be unleashed

The Lord had softened the hearts of their enemies. Not because of what they had done, but because of what the Nephites had done right. As the Nephites continue to sin, that blessing of safety from the enemies is in danger.

But, if they repent, they will be blessed.

If that's not incentive enough, I don't know what is.

This chapter is the ultimate 'Pros and Cons'list. Repent and get this. Sin and get this.

The Pros sound so good. The Cons sound so bad.

I look at my life and I know that there are pros and cons. I can see the blessings in my life when I obey. I really don't want to see what my life would be like if I turned away from God.  Major cons.


  1. My insight... be careful where your priorities are. If your heart is more worried about riches than things of the spirit, that's a big problem. We all seem to have money worries, but that's different than money/riches being the center of your world. There is enough for all, the Lord has promised it, but we also have to turn those worries over to the Lord. I think that we sometimes believe we "need" more than we really do. And if we can't have "that" we get disappointed. Food, shelter, health - not the latest and greatest gadget, fancy car, dripping with jewelry or fashion outfit. The people in this chapter wanted more, more, more and all they got was less of what was actually important.


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