Helaman 16

Helaman 16

And they began to depend on their strength and upon their own wisdom...

If I am struggling in a subject, I would be wise and even successful if I hire a tutor.  If I struggle and do not seek higher help, my struggles will not cease.

God is our higher help. He knows the truth and the way. He can give us strength and knowledge, faith and wisdom that is beyond ourselves.

No only did they depend on their own wisdom, but their wisdom WAY off! In verse 22 it says "and they were much disturbed." So true.  The scary thing is that I hear the same words being spoken today about the condition of our world as it approaches the Last Days.

The physical calamities, the state of politics, nations and wars: all of which have been prophesied for thousands of years. We know that it's coming, the Second Coming of the Lord. But, there are those who say that it is coincidence, that the earthquakes, wars, tsunamis, famines, etc have nothing to do with scripture or prophecy.

But we know the truth.

It was also interesting to note the difference between the path of believers and those that didn't believe.

The believers in verses 1, 4, 5, 14:

  1. They heard
  2. They believed
  3. They sought someone holding the priesthood
  4. They repented
  5. They were baptized
  6. They were taught
  7. They saw signs and wonders
  8. They experienced miracles
  9. They looked forward to the coming of Christ
  10. Angels appeared unto some of them

The unbelievers in verses 2, 15, 22 and 23:

  1. They heard
  2. They did not believe
  3. They were angry
  4. They tried to kill Samuel
  5. Their hears were hardened
  6. They depended on their own wisdom
  7. They were much disturbed
  8. Satan had a great hold upon their hearts

So, what company do we want to keep?  And it all starts with believing.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. The point that really caught my eye was in vs 22... "many more things did the people imagine up in their hearts" This is really such a true and profound statement... the word imagine being the base of it all.

    There are several things I can think of right now that would be taken care of if there were better communication between people. So many times I hear people say, or have thought it myself, --- he must have been thinking... or must have intended.... was just trying to...

    When we think those thoughts, we are imagining up stuff. We cannot know what the intent, thought or feeling was of another person unless we ask them. THere are a whole lot of offenses and hurts created because of imagining what the other person was intending.

    Not only offenses and hurts but backlash or meaness in retribution. Take the recent CEO of a certain company who stated his opinion on marriage. The backlash was immediate and hateful, why, because certain groups of people assumed (imagined) they knew that anyone who disagreed with them certainly hated them. Not true. I can disagree with you and not hate you.

    Or politics. The despised and frustrated subject of most Americans at this point.(Yes, I imagine it is) Writers, analysts, and reporters imagining up things to confuse and confound people- twisting intents and opinions of others to get (usually) negative reactions.

    I think this word imagine really struck a chord with me today. From now on, I am going to really pay attention to what I believe and say... or even how I think about things and weigh it based, not on imagination, but on the spirit and confirmation of truth when dealing with people. I will try to keep the imagination focused on positive goals, like going on a vacation or getting some work done so I can "create" or read a book or just sit down for a few minutes.


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