3 Nephi 8

3 Nephi 8

I was talking to my husband last night about the last days.  I said, "I'm not so much worried about the fall of the government and the economy as I am the natural disasters."  Then I get up this morning and read this chapter.  Very scary to me.

I know that as I live righteously I will be saved- in the end- but I might have to endure some pretty frightening stuff meanwhile.  The idea of cities falling in the ground, being swallowed up by the ocean (tsunami), earthquakes and total darkness for three days made my heart race just a bit.

I wonder about the sheer terror they experienced as they watched friends and loved ones being swept away or swallowed up by the awesome power of the earth. No wonder there were great and terrible howlings among the people.

Not only did they witness the destruction of their homes, cities and loves ones, and a complete and violent change in the topography of the land- but they had regret and guilt on top of it (vv 24,25)  Oh the sorrow they must have felt.  My heart ached for them as I read. I also come away with a stronger desire to learn more about the last days, continue preparing my spirit, my mind, my body, my family and my home for the physical and emotional trials that are to come.

I know things are happening in the world.  For me, they have been witnessed on TV, but soon it will be happening everywhere.  I don't want to have guilt and regret.I want to be ready.

TOMORROW: Free For All Friday


  1. No matter how much we prepare- the emergency and provident living kind- you still can't take it with you. It's important because everything that was mentioned in this chapter, for the most part and except the 3 days of intense darkness, has been happening around here for months. So yes, we do need to do our best.

    I would worry about the world, society, etc., but that is too much for me. I try each day to make a difference in my own little part. It's actually easier to get people on the "temporal preparedness" bandwagon- I wish it was that easy to get them on the spiritual preparedness bandwagon so none of us have the level of regret expressed by the people in this chapter.

    My worry lies with my family and friends. I want SO bad to shake them awake and make them not only clearly understand, but actively LIVE the gospel principles. But I know I have to shake myself and make myself be an example before I can do anything for them. I always hope I have enough of those "heaven" points to get in!

  2. Living Waters by LeAnnAugust 4, 2011 at 10:29 PM

    I pray every night that my children will teach my grandchildren to know and feel the spirit in their lives and to prepare for the coming of the Savior. Yes, we all need to prepare ourselves both temporally and spiritually.
    Loved your post today!
    Just keep enjoy the precious moments!

  3. I just finished reading NIGHT by Elie Wieseil, and have started MAN'S SEARCH FOR MEANING by Viktor E. Frankl.

    I have learned so much about the terror that was experienced in a more moden time.

    The millions that died is still nearly impossible to comprehend, yet, "Frankl writes that we are never left with nothing as long as we retain the freedom to chose how we will respond" This from a man who had lost everything!

    In our time, we can chose to respong to the teachings of the scriptures and our modern prophets. How blessed we are to have 15 men whom we sustain a prophets on the earth to day!

    Agency is such a precious, divine gift. I know that I need to use my gift more wisely! Preparing myself, family, friends, and helping with world preparation for the Savior's return.

    Like Angie, I have come to accept that I need to take care of my little plot, and not worry so much about the rest.


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