3 Nephi 17

Click here to read 3 Nephi 17 online.

What an amazing experience. I cannot even imagine.  Angels surrounding children, being taught by the Savior!  Amazing!

The two things that stuck out to me were:

1. In verse 2 Jesus points out the people were weak in understanding. He told them to go home, ponder and pray that their minds would be ready to understand what will be taught the next day.  (I could write a whole post about just that!)


then in verse 8 He tells them that their faith is sufficient to be healed.  Then in verse 20 He says: "Blessed are ye because of your faith. And now, behold my joy is full." Then he wept.

Their lack of knowledge did not hinder their level of faith.  Sometimes I hear people saying they don't want to bear their testimony because they don't "know a lot" or don't know what to say.  As we have read in the past two chapters, knowledge comes in degrees.  It's ok if we don't know everything, or even a lot.  We can still have faith in God and His Son.  That is our testimony!

And it is that faith that brings joy to our Savior.

I know that I have caused Him great pain (because of my poor choices) during the Atonement and afterwards. It brings me great joy knowing that I can bring Him joy with my faith in Him.

2. I love the imagery of my Savior praying for me.

This picture hangs in my hallway by my childrens' bedrooms.  It is a reminder to them that not only did their Savior atone for them, but even after He is prays for them.

It reminds me that the Saviors love and concern for me did begin and end 2000 years ago.  He is my advocate with our Father daily. I love Him for that and try to live my life in such a way the I make His job easier.

What did you get out of the chapter today?

TOMORROW: 3 Nephi 18


  1. I love this chapter. It is a clear example of who we should be if we follow Christ's example.

    We do not have to know everything. We can take time to ponder, learn and grow as individuals. It's ok to be someone who is moving forward, we don't have to be 'there' yet.

    We need to be accepting of revelation. We can assume that there will be more information, more testimony, more witnesses of Christ because He went to visit the Lost Tribes after he left the people. Just that alone, helps me have faith and knowledge that we do not know everything and there will be some point when more is revealed and it will make it easier to accept.

    We need to be compassionate. The Lord was filled with compassion for the people. If we are filled with compassion, there is no room for negativity. He healed the sick. We can follow his example by taking extra time with people who are in need.

    Our faith is sufficient. It is not a perfect faith. It is not an all-knowing faith. It is a "sufficient" faith. To me that can leave a lot of room for improvement and still have it be enough.

    By far the most important way to follow the Savior using this chapter is in the way we treat children. I have always loved this part the most. The Savior took time to bless each child. Each child is important. Then he sent angels to circle them. Each child has a divine place in the Saviors world. Each child should have a divine place in our world. Yes they are difficult at times, but they don't know everything either. They are moving forward just like we are. Maybe behind us on the path, or sometimes running ahead, but they are learning and growing. Compassion is not only for the sick and burdened, it is for the kid who spills the milk or doesn't clean his room or does any number of "kid" things that we could get wound up over. Of all the people in our world, our kids should be treated with the best attitude, acceptance, compassion, love and patience we have. And yes, this includes adult kids too.

  2. Living Waters by LeAnnAugust 17, 2011 at 2:50 PM

    This is my favorite chapter in 3 Nephi. I usually cry when reading it.
    Loved your thoughts!
    Blessings to you and keep on enjoying those moments!


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