3 Nephi 23

3 Nephi 23

This chapter is a special one to me, because it shows the love the Savior had for the scriptures.  He knew them inside and out- much of the scriptures were His words, and the rest were pointing people to Him.

He does a quality-control check to make sure the scriptures are correct, then has them complete the records they should have kept.  Prophecies are that important, that vital- if we search the scriptures for the words of the prophets, we will see that they testify of repentance, baptism and being saved.

I love the notion that there are scripture out there we do not yet have. I wonder what they will say, the stories in them, the prophecies therein.

I know that they will come forth in time, but much of that depends on how much we delve into the scriptures we have now.  The Savior tells us to search the words of Isaiah......so, I'm thinking it might be a while.  I am reading the Old Testament right now, and am in Isaiah 8.  I pray for understanding, but sometimes it's like eating saltine crackers with not water.  (Don't judge me-just love me)

BUT- I am trying, so I get heavenly kudos for that, right?

What did you get out of today's chapter?

Tomorrow: Suit Yourself Saturday


  1. I was trying to figure out what I got out of this chapter and finally came to the thought that so much "stuff" is passed down from mouth to mouth, kind of like the "gossip game." By having the written words in front of us, it can- not that it always does- cut down on the changes over time as it passes from person to person.

    It's easy to get caught up in someone's perception of gospel principles and take it as gospel. But that's how people end up heading in the wrong direction. Having scriptures and using them with prayer helps us stay on the clear path.

  2. I enjoy reading your thoughts on the scriptures. I am not quite where you are in the Book of Mormon. I will be reading 3 Nephi 17. I will probably catch up with you. I love 3 Nephi. It is one of my favorite books of the Book of Mormon.
    Blessings to you for sharing your thoughts!


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