3 Nephi 26

3 Nephi 26

One word about this chapter: Amazing.

How would it be to sit at the feet of the Savior and have Him expound on all things, both great and small, from the beginning to the end!

I cannot help but think of the joy and peace and strength I would receive- and the perspective!  Oh, the perspective I would have!

I read and see the changes in the Nephites when their testimonies grew, whey they were cleansed through baptism, and especially when they were taught WHO they were and HOW they fit into EVERYTHING. This knowledge brought 200 years of peace.  It created a people who lived the law of consecration, who shared all things in common, who were humble and kind and happy.

Oh that I wish more than just a hundredth part could be written!

What I would give to know more!

But- there is a promise in verse 9 that "when they shall have received this, which is expedient that they should have first, to try their faith, and if it shall so be that they shall believe these things then shall the greater things be made manifest unto them."

I have to believe that that pertains to me to, the if I have sufficient faith, if I study and believe the scriptures and things that have been given me now, that I will have access to greater things through the Holy Ghost, and eventually, through introduced additional scripture.

I know there is more. I can feel it. Perhaps that is why it's so easy for me to accept that there is so much I don't know. If my little brain could fully comprehend all of God's designs, to me that would mean His designs aren't all that amazing. I want there to be so much, that it would be so wonderful and out-of-this-world, that my mind now could not comprehend it.   I want to be wondering, hoping and learning long after I leave this life.

It is an exciting notion that what we see, what we understand, is just the tip of the ice burg; that someday we will see all things from beginning to end, and it will seem so logical, so natural and so seamless that we will wonder how we didn't see it before.  I am excited to learn of and see all things from the beginning to the end in it's entirety. I think it will flow together in intricate and complicated, yet simply beautiful choreography.

Until then, I must be grateful for the nuggets that I have been given, and feast upon them- always looking forward to the next course on the menu.

What did you get out of the chapter today?

TOMORROW: 3 Nephi 27


  1. No great and profound thoughts or questions from me today. Just having a desire to be blessed with the things promised in this chapter would be amazing.

  2. Because the word "expound" was used several times, I wanted more understanding, I checked it my thesaurus. There was one word definition "explain". Wow! I can only imagine how incredible it must have been or the Savior explain ALL things "from the beging until the time when He returns in his glory.

    No wonder the people remained faithful.

    I, like you, have felt the trial that my faith must experience. I have also felt Father's loving, watchful care so that I will pass the trial.

    The word Grace comes to mind.

  3. I love the verse which says that even babes uttered marvelous things. I know that my sweet, little children know who their Heavenly Father is. I know that He is with them each day helping to guide them through their mortal experience. I know He is close to them and they know it. I know that if Lucy could speak she would have some marvelous things to say about how Heavenly Father has helped her these last few months. I cannot wait to talk to them about all of this one day. So exciting!


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