Mosiah 6

Mosiah 6

It's interesting to me how seriously they took taking the name of Christ upon themselves.  When we are baptized, we take upon ourselves His name, but many times I see disciples behaving very contrary to what they claim to believe.

I'm not talking about people with good intentions who make mistakes along the way.  I'm speaking of those who deliberately claim to be one thing, but are really another.  It is so damaging to the church, their families, and themselves.

But on a positive note, King Benjamin understood that the spiritual euphoria they were experiencing wouldn't always last in such intensity, so before even dismissing the entire mass, he gave direction to his son, and appointed priests to teach the people, to help remind them of how they felt and why they covenanted to do what they did.

CS Lewis Once said:

“Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted in spite of your changing moods”

Our moods changes, circumstances changes, experiences change- life changes.  But, true faith is never letting your testimony and attitude change, despite everything else.  

King Benjamin understood that then.  Heavenly Father has always understood that principle.  That's why we have so many reminders all around us- church, meetings, conferences, seminary, classes, the temple, and so on.  They are to provide us with opportunities for the Spirit to testify of the truth- but also to remind us of what we already received a testimony of. We we are continually stirred up in remembrance.

What did you think/learn today?

PS- Sorry for the delay in posting.  Our power went out again last night (the third time in 5 weeks) so I wasn't able to post sooner  BUT- I will tell you that last night at midnight when I said companionship prayer with my husband, when we opened our eyes the power was back on.  Oh the power of prayer!  Lol


  1. I like the reminder that our moods change, but we have to make sure we hold on to what we know, even when we feel crazy.

    Also, your story about the power coming on is awesome. A few years ago we were living in the bay area in CA and the power went out in the middle of the afternoon on a horrible hot weekend. I had put the kids to bed, but all our fans went off, and the dryer, and our CD player/other electronics. I decided since the kids were napping and it was so hot I would take a nap on the couch. About 30 minutes after I fell asleep I was jolted awake by the fans/dryer/CD player all turning back on at the same time. I thought I was going to have a heart attack!

    Thanks for your blog posts! I wish I was in the same place in the Book of Mormon so I could follow along, but alas, I just started again reading for the year, so I'm in 1 Nephi. Your posts are always nice thoughts about the scriptures, which I'm a pretty big fan of :) Thanks for being so consistent (and short and sweet - something I have a hard time with ;) )


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