Mosiah 13

Mosiah 13

TOUCH ME NOT!  I love it!

He was so bold.  But beyond that, Abinidi knew who he was representing and what his mission was AND he knew that the Lord would protect him until he was finished.

Sometimes I wish my mission was that clear- but then, as I type this, I realize it kinda is.  I know how I represent, I know what I have been asked to do, and I know that I will be sustained and supported until I am finished.  Now if only I could glow and say Touch me not! like Abinidi......

I enjoy the way that Abinidi explains the reason behind the Law of Moses.  It was to keep them focused on what they should be doing.  Unfortunately, even with all the things to focus on, they still missed the mark. They had prophecies and scriptures, and still they didn't get it.

It makes me want to be all the more aware of my responsibilities and what is expected and asked of my by the Lord in my life.  PERSPECTIVE- that's one of my favorite words.  Keep the eternal perspective.  That's the key to seeing earthly things in the right light.

Easy to say.  Sometimes very hard to do.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. Abinadi was such a brave person. I could never be as brave as he was. "But I finish my message and then it matters not whither I go, if it so be that I am saved." He was amazing.

    I liked what it said in verse 11 too, "And now I read unto you the reminder of the commandments of God, for I perceive that they are not written in your hearts." Are the commandments written in our hearts? I think its a good idea to review them every now and then and do a check to see how we are doing.

    One of the most obvious ones that I see people failing in is "for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." The world thinks its the "in thing" and cool these days to use the phrase OMG. Its so sad to hear the Lord's name being taken in vain everywhere you go, even kids saying it.

    I wonder why it was that king Noah and the priests did not believe Abinadi's words after they saw the spirit of the lord was upon him? I guess they were so wicked that those kinds of things didn't phase them. Abinadi was a great prophet.

  2. Those bold moments are some of the best.

    Thanks for all your thoughts. (and yours, Jo!)


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