Mosiah 18

Mosiah 18

Feeling much better today. :)

Can you imagine the dramatic lifestyle change that Alma experienced? He went from riches and luxury to homeless, hiding in the woods.  His testimony must have been amazing.

Again, it begs the question: What would I give up to live what I believe?

I love to read the terms of baptism as Alma lays it out. Also, how he immerses himself in the water with Helam.  Alma was already baptized (and had the priesthood- though he was a wicked priest in the past) as  symbol of his repentant state.  It makes me think of outward things I can do to show my inward commitment.

I also think it's interesting to see the church being organized and run by the Priesthood- same as today.  So cool.

The Mormon comments "how beautiful are they to the eyes of them who there came to the knowledge of their Redeemer; yea, and how blessed are they, for they shall sing to his praise forever." Beautiful.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. Alma is another example of someone who was willing to give it all up because of his faith and testimony. Sometimes I am envious of the people who have a "life-altering" moment which settles their testimony firmly into them to the point they could go hide in the wilderness.
    Often it is really hard work to keep my faith strong and testimony settled at times. I want to be a "light" for Christ, sometimes I just forget to turn the switch on. It is important that we have examples such as Alma and the people who followed him as he preached of God. It renews my faith that I am headed in the right direction when I see the blessings God pours out on the faithful in the scriptures.

  2. So sorry to hear about your Grandma's passing, Michelle. It's hard to lose someone you love no matter what their age.
    Thanks for writing the blog. I am really enjoying reading the BOM this time around. I gain insight by reading the blog and others' comments. It also helps keep me on track. I can't tell you how many times I've 1st and 2nd Nephi and then never finish. :)

  3. Ang- I know you feel. But,I think that for most us, our testimonies come bit by bit, in moment-altering experiences. I've had a few pretty big things happen- but most of my testimony comes from all the spiritual little ones in between.

    Liz- thanks for you kind words. I'm so glad you are reading with us! I've read 1 Nephi so many times, too! (I think that's why God had it in their first, because the entire gospel is contained within 1 and 2 Nephi. I think God knew we all have spiritual ADD) Keep reading and comment when you feel like it. It's always great to hear from you!

  4. Ang- I know you feel. But,I think that for most us, our testimonies come bit by bit, in moment-altering experiences. I've had a few pretty big things happen- but most of my testimony comes from all the spiritual little ones in between.

    Liz- thanks for you kind words. I'm so glad you are reading with us! I've read 1 Nephi so many times, too! (I think that's why God had it in their first, because the entire gospel is contained within 1 and 2 Nephi. I think God knew we all have spiritual ADD) Keep reading and comment when you feel like it. It's always great to hear from you!

  5. This is a beautiful chapter. For me it reminds me of the things that I covenanted at baptism and am I doing them?
    - bear one anothers burdens.
    - mourn with those that mourn.
    - stand as witnesses of God at ALL TIME and in ALL THINGS, and in ALL PLACES....until death. (I love how the Young Women's Theme has this sentence in it).
    - serve God and keep his commandments.

    I also liked the command Alma gave the converted people to have no contention, having their hearts knit together in unity and love. To keep the sabbath day holy and give thanks to God.
    How often there are contentions in wards and stakes in the church. We are all faulted human beings, but this is a beautiful reminder of how we should strive to be.


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