Mosiah 12

Mosiah 12

Better late than never!  Sorry I didn't post this morning.  I've been down with a touch of the stomach bug, then my daughter had a nightmare in the wee hours of the night and crawled in bed with me (she's 14!) so, needless to say, I was exhausted this morning! I slept in, then had to rush off to work before I could do anything.  Again- so sorry (for the three of you that actually checked today, lol)

Anyway... on to chapter 12

Go Abinidi!  First he goes into hiding for 2 years, then he comes back and preaches again, in disguise.  What courage he must have had.  He knew they wanted to kill him the last time he preached to them, and they had had 2 years of growing more wicked and hardened.  I wonder if the Lord let Abinidi know of his fate before hand.

If I was told that I would die if I went forth preaching, would I still do it? It's easy to say 'of course I would.' but I do honestly hope I truly would.

The verse that stood out to me was verse 27: " have no applied your hears to understanding..."

It's one thing to read and memorize, but it's another thing entirely to understand, comprehend then actually
live it and teach it to others.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. Hope you've been able to catch up on some sleep and are feeling better! :)

    I really liked verse 3 - And it shall come to pass that the life of king Noah shall be valued even as a garment in a hot furnace; FOR HE SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD! That will be the case for many wicked people eventually I would say.

    Another verse that I liked was verse 29 - "...If ye teach the law of Moses why do ye not keep it?..."
    Even some church members today are guilty of saying they believe in certain things, but don't live the principles in their lives. Let's live what we preach. If we say we are disciples of Christ, then we need to live as much of a Christ-like life as we can.


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