Mosiah 5

Mosiah 5

There is so much in this chapter: The believers take on the of Christ, they make covenants, and King Benjamin gives lost of good advice about how to  be a disciple.

But, there were two things that caught my eye as I read:

Verses 2-5, the people told King Benjamin how they were feeling after his speech. They believed because the Spirit. The Spirit does amazing things: Not only does it testify of truth, but in the case of these people, it wrought a mighty change in their hearts.  So much so that they had lost all desire to do evil.  Can you imagine?  The power of the Spirit to change a heart!

Also, the Spirit showed them things that were to come.  They tasted the Spirit of prophecy, and were shown many wonderful things.

It's an amazing conversion experience.

The other thing that stuck in my mind was the first sentence in verse 13: For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger to unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?

How to you know someone you don't spend any time with, or learn about, or emulate?

It reminds me of the story that has circulated around that I paraphrase as follows:

Three men wait to enter the interview room before their entry into heaven. The first man walks into the room and takes a seat. The interviewer asks, "What do you know about Jesus Christ?"  The man says, "Well, I know he was a good man, a prophet even.  He lived in Jerusalem and was said to heal many and perform miracles."  "Very good," says the interviewer.

The second man enters the room, and is asked the same question, to which he responds, "He was the Savior of the world. I owe all the I am to Him."  "Very good," says the interviewer.

The third man enters the room, and upon seeing the interviewer, he falls to his knees and exclaims, "My Lord."

For how knoweth a man the master he has not served...?

I don't know about an interview room, but I do know that I will stand and face my Savior at some point.  I hope I will know Him, and fall to my knees. I hope that He will see a resemblance in me, that I will have His image in my countenance.

I know that the only way to achieve this is by doing what it says in verse 13: serve Him, have Him in my thoughts and intend on following Him.

What a great chapter!

What did you think/learn today?


  1. verse 13: For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger to unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?

    Recognizing this is about Christ..... but I have a totally different take on it this morning. Always trying to apply scriptures to my reality.

    How can we really know anyone husband, wife, daughter, son, family, visiting teaching sisters, community members... whom we do not serve. Are we ever behaving in such a way that we make our own families strangers to us? Do we think of them and pray for them throughout the day? Are we serving those around us, trying to make a positive difference in their lives?

    And more than that... are we quick to apply Christlike attributes (intents of our heart) to those outside our circle before inside? Do we speak gentler to friends or people on the street than our children? Husband?

    If our intention is to become Christlike, to serve Him, then we have to start inside ourselves by learning of Him. If applied, this one scripture fits serving Christ, but it also fits the way we should look at and treat those around us.

  2. verse 7 - To be called the children of Christ. How wonderful. I would like to be called this. Reading the Book of Mormon every day is bringing me closer to Christ.
    verse 15 - ye should be steadfast and immovable. What does that mean to you? I think being steadfast means keeping the commandments always, and not giving in to temptation. And being immovable is never backing down on your testimony, even when challenged by others who don't believe.
    We need to be stronger, we need to have more faith, we need to be more obedient, we need to be children of Christ.


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