Jacob 4

A few things are made very clear in this chapter:

1. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings.
2. They kept the Law of Moses- which was brought by Lehi and his family from Jerusalem years before.
3. It is great faith and the Priesthood that gave/give prophets their power.
4. We can only know of spiritual things (the mysteries of God) through spiritual ways (revelation)
5. God knows all, so don't tell him what to do, listen as He guides you.
6. Have faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement.
7. The Spirit cannot lie.
8. God witnessed to prophets throughout time his truths and mysteries.

What a great chapter!  Every verse was full of important doctrine that clarifies truth.  I love how Jacob takes something so great, and touches on each point, without overwhelming us.

I guess I've been on a spiritual high these past few weeks- perhaps even longer.  Reading the Book of Mormon every day has strengthened my testimony, and my foundation of knowledge.  I am amazed at how often I will be talking to someone or teaching a class, and a question comes up that can be answered by something I just read.  It's amazing!

What did you think/learn today?


  1. Several little things caught my eye and made me ponder....

    Jacob said... "we know that the things which we write upon plates must remain;" - My little thought went to our hearts and our own book of life- the things we write there, they remain. We need to be careful what we put there because it is only through repentance we get an opportunity to erase anything. It made me stop and think about the little things I might do or say and how I really don't want those things to remain, so repentance needs to be an ongoing process.

    Vs 6 gives the method.... we search the prophets (scriptures) and then receive revelation. These witnesses give us hope. After hope our faith becomes unshaken.

    Vs 14- "blindness came by looking beyond the mark"- how often are we looking off in the distance when what we really need to see is right in front of our nose. It reminds me of hiking, if you are not looking in the right place you stumble. It's not off in the distance, and it is not down at our feet, it's a few feet in front of us- head up, eyes scanning, catching the beauty and the trip hazards at the same time.

  2. Several little things caught my eye and made me ponder....

    Jacob said... "we know that the things which we write upon plates must remain;" - My little thought went to our hearts and our own book of life- the things we write there, they remain. We need to be careful what we put there because it is only through repentance we get an opportunity to erase anything. It made me stop and think about the little things I might do or say and how I really don't want those things to remain, so repentance needs to be an ongoing process.

    Vs 6 gives the method.... we search the prophets (scriptures) and then receive revelation. These witnesses give us hope. After hope our faith becomes unshaken.

    Vs 14- "blindness came by looking beyond the mark"- how often are we looking off in the distance when what we really need to see is right in front of our nose. It reminds me of hiking, if you are not looking in the right place you stumble. It's not off in the distance, and it is not down at our feet, it's a few feet in front of us- head up, eyes scanning, catching the beauty and the trip hazards at the same time.


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