Jacob 1

I will be so excited when we get a more detailed record of the people.  I can't wait to learn more about Nephi, and what his life was like.

Every time I read this chapter, there are a few words that stick out in verse four":...for Christ's sake..."  We often focus on what He did for us, for our sakes; but how often do we think of doing something for His sake?

Also, the pattern for callings is found in the end of this chapter: He is called by authority, set apart, he accepted the responsibility and labored with all diligence and might.  What a great example to follow.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. While many profound things are here.... the one little comment that stuck out to me was.... they began to grow wicked in their hearts (or something like that).....

    It just brought to mind the thought of planting seeds on purpose or allowing random seeds to invade our space. If not taken out when tiny, some of those bad seeds can literally take over. That's what happened to the people.... they allowed little seeds to stay planted and even if a tiny shoot of plant started to grow, they didn't weed it out.

  2. Verse 19 really struck me. "...answering the sins of the people upon our own heads if we did not teach them the word of God with diligence..." This reminded me of the scripture, which I think is in Doctrine and Covenants, that states if we as parents don't teach our children the gospel, their sins will be upon our heads. This is a wakeup call for me. In our house we are not doing enough to teach our children the gospel. We are lazy at family home evening, and need to do some kind of scripture learning with them. They are very young, so it is hard, but we need to do it.


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