2 Nephi 29

Chapter 29

Many Gentiles will reject the Book of Mormon—They will say, We need no more Bible—The Lord speaks to many nations—He will judge the world out of the books which will be written. About 559–545 B.C.

I love it when the scriptures just get to the bottom line: Fools reject more of the Lord's word.

I'm excited to someday read the accounts recorded by those who live on the isles of the sea.  There are thousands of stories I can't wait to read and learn from!

What did you think/learn today?


  1. This is a great chapter. Its like God is trying to knock some sense into the non believers, lol.
    I liked the part in verse 14 that says - "....And I will show unto them that fight against my word and against my people, who are of the house of Israel, that I am God!......"
    This chapter must be a great tool in the mission field.
    "And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall be until the end of man..."
    He also talks a lot about keeping his promises and covenants to Nephi, Lehi and Abraham.
    I love that we can always trust God to keep his promises to us. He will never let us down.

  2. There was a little phrase that struck me in verse 4 - "Yea, what do the Gentiles mean?"

    Forgive me for waxing philisophical and speaking in the utmost generalities....

    I am not sure what was actually meant by that... but I saw it as.... "you bunch of hypocrites." People lay claim to the Bible and say there will be no more. But they don't even live by the precepts of the Bible or pay attention to the history of the people who created the story.

    How can we claim something to be oh-so-important in our lives and not live by it? Americans claim freedom of religion and then bash each other for it. We claim a God given constitution and then allow politicians to destroy it. We claim the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... but sit around complaining about what is not being done for us.

    "Yea, what do the Gentiles mean?" What do you stick up for. What drives you. Why do you do what you do. What activities promote your faith. What things do you allow to get in the way of your relationship with God.

    Did you mean what you said? Or mean what you did?


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