2 Nephi 31

Chapter 31

Nephi tells why Christ was baptized—Men must follow Christ, be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end to be saved—Repentance and baptism are the gate to the strait and narrow path—Eternal life comes to those who keep the commandments after baptism. About 559–545 B.C.


I love this chapter! It clarifies the doctrine: faith, repentance, baptism by immersion, the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end.  When we learn in Gospel Doctrine class that the Book of Mormon contains and clarifies the gospel- that's what it means!  It's all there!

But- aside from the beautiful obvious: there are a few things that really stuck out to me this time.  

Verse 3: For the Lord God giveth light unto the understanding; for he speaketh unto men according to their language, unto their understanding."

It really dawned on the as I read this this morning that we are all so different. The gospel and the Atonement are the same, unchanging- but the way that we are taught about it is as different as we are.  God does it that way to ensure the best possible understanding on our parts.  He wants each of us to see things as clearly as possible, but we each get their differently.  Kind of like a room full of people looking at the same thing, but each person has different prescription-glasses to allow them to see what the other person is.  The strength of their prescriptions are as different as they are, but they all allow them to see the same thing clearly.

That opened up a whole new door of understanding and empathy for me today. Different people have different ways of learning and need a certain level of assistance to see the gospel clearly. Like the level of an eyeglass prescription. Sometimes that prescription calls for very simple plain language, or trials, or adversity, or miracles, or mistakes.  But, each person is so different- and so are their prescriptions.

God knows that.  He knows each and every one of us, and He teaches us - and allows us to learn- according to our own language and needs.   I know it sounds obvious, but hit just really hit me hard this morning.  Our trials and afflictions, our faith and our testimonies, aren't what set us apart- they are the great equalizers that allow us to stand together and see the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Atonement, the gospel, and ourselves clearly. I love it!

Another image that blew my mind this morning was how Nephi received his spiritual education.  We know that he had visions, and even saw angels appear; but in verse 14, almost nonchalantly, Nephi tells us that he was taught directly from the Savior: But, behold, my beloved brethren, thus came the voice of the Son unto me..."  How amazing is that!  That Nephi was taught directly by the Savior!

And if that's not amazing enough, in verse 15 he goes on to say, "And I heard a voice from the Father saying: Yea the words of my Beloved are true and faithful..."  Heavenly Father spoke to Nephi and testified of the the Savior.  How amazing, fantastic and wonderful to be taught by the very voices of Deity!

They both taught the doctrine- but the very fact that they spoke to Nephi directly is a prime example of their involvement and care for us as individuals.  Beautiful!

The last thing is the 'Eternal Life for Dummies' list that is laid out throughout this chapter.  If you want Eternal Life, you must:
1. Have faith.
2. Be Steadfast.
3. Have a love of God.
4. Love of all men.
5. Be baptized.
6. Receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
7. Feast upon the words of Christ.
8. Endure to the end (keep the covenants which we have made)

Then we get eternal life!  Simple (maybe not easy- but oh, so simple!)

What did you think/learn today?


  1. Guess I broke it down even simpler.... "Follow thou me."

    Our lessons Sunday were on attributes of the obedient vs disobedient and the 11 points of the mantra of Pres George A Smith.

    All the points were pointing the the same direction and that direction is simple... "Follow thou me."

  2. The other night when we had the missionaries for dinner, we also had a friend come to visit who is not a member. My husband was teasing him about baptising him in the bathtub while the missionaries were there. During our discussion I mentioned about the verses in this chapter that talk about how baptism is not the only thing we need to do to be saved. That we need to keep the commandments and endure to the end. I love how it is written in verse 16 "....endure to the end in following the example of the Son of the living God..." I was just reading a blog about the song - I'm trying to be like Jesus. I need to think more as I go about my day, that I am trying every minute to be like Jesus. What would he do in this situation I am facing right now? Often I just go by what I want to do, but that is not really how we should be focused. Its really hard when those difficult moments come up though. Keep trying is the key, just as it says in the song. "I'm trying."


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