2 Nephi 27

Chapter 27

Darkness and apostasy will cover the earth in the last days—The Book of Mormon will come forth—Three witnesses will testify of the book—The learned man will say he cannot read the sealed book—The Lord will do a marvelous work and a wonder—Compare Isaiah 29. About 559–545 B.C.


I always wonder how Joseph Smith felt as he read about the very book he was translating, and about himself.

My guess is that, with all the training he had from Angel Moroni over the years, that Joseph already had a very good idea of the scope and magnitude of which he was a part of. But, still, it had to be surreal.

A couple things that I loved this time around: verse 3 where is talks about dreaming of eating and drinking, but waking up wanting.  This life is almost like a dream, if you don't understand the real meaning of it.  I see people putting all their efforts and importance on things that, when they awake in the realm of God, will no longer be.  They will be left wanting and unsatisfied.

That's why we are told to feast on the scriptures, and drink from the eternal waters.  We will be filled and nourished here, and in the life that follows.

Of course I love all the verses about the Book of Mormon itself.

In the end of verse 23 is a very powerful phrase : according to their faith.  The Lord offers so much to us- everything to us. BUT- our receipt of these things- of salvation- and all the assistance to obtain that salvation, is up to us.  IT IS OUR CHOICE.  It is our choices.  Do we choose to have faith? If so, we will be rewarded and allotted thusly.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. I think it is cool that there is more. We have the Book of Mormon, the Bible, etc..... but there is even more that hasn't been "released" for public view. Believing whole heartedly in modern day revelation and knowing there are more scriptures which will clarify my wordly questions even more... I look forward to the rest of the "series."

  2. That phrase at the end of verse 23 also really struck me. We all need to have more faith and we will see miracles happen. The other verse that stood out was verse 25 where it talks about people drawing near unto the Lord with their mouth, and with their lips do honour him, but have removed their hearts far from him. Do we do things for the right reasons? Are our hearts full of the love of the Lord? I've been thinking lately about the two greatest commandments and if I really do live them. First - love the Lord with your whole soul, and 2nd - love your neighbour as yourself. I can definetly work more on these.


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