SYS Saturday: Elder Ballard Quote

The quote from Elder M. Russell Ballard of teh Quorum of the Seventy in September's visiting teaching message hit home for me this week.  It read:

"We prepare each day, right now, for eternal life. If we are not preparing for eternal life, we are preparing for something else, perhaps something far less."

Everyday, every choice, creates who I am and determines where I am going.  Am I preparing for eternal life? Or am I preparing myself for something less? And if so, am I happy compromising?  Is whatever I am doing worth the compromise?

I love quotes like this that make the think!!

What would you like to share today?

TOMORRROW: Sabbath Day Rest
MONDAY: Ether 


  1. "It is the height of disloyalty to pray for God's will to be done, and then fail to conform our lives to that will." David of McKay

    I have this quote hanging on the back of the front door. It's there to remind me that everytime I walk out the door I need to be thinking about what God would have me do.

    Each choice I make throughout the day either uplifts or brings down my spirit. If I am asking God for a "good" day, then my attitude and choices need to be in harmony with that.

    If I want strength physically, I need to take care of my body. If I want strength spiritually I need to nourish my spirit. If I want friends, I have to be friendly. If I want blessings I have to serve others. If I want answers to prayer then I have to have listening ears and an open heart. God cannot bless me unless I am in a place to be blessed.


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