Mormon 1

Mormon 1

AH! I missed two days!  I have a good reason- I've been lost in service.  But, still.....I didn't realize it had been two days!

The first thing that struck me was how young Mormon was, and being a sober child, how mature he was.  The things he was ready to see and hear were amazing.

In verse 15 he says that he was visited of the Lord, and tasted and knew of the goodness of Jesus.  Even at 15 Mormon wanted to preach to the people, who were all wicked.  Not only was he sober, but he was brave.

I look at my son who is 15 now, and I see glimpses of greatness, soberness and courage.  I think it's the prayer of every mother that their children grow up strong in the Lord, smart, happy and productive.  I wonder about Mormons parents.  They must have done something right....

What part of this chapter got into you today?

TOMORROW: Mormon 2


  1. I had verses in this chapter marked from before and even still, the thing that really strikes me is that people can harden their hearts to the point that God will no longer reach out to them. Mormon wanted to reach out to them, but was forbidden by the Spirit.

    I know there have been times when I wanted to reach out to someone but was forbidden by the Spirit. It's a hard thing to be silent when you want to shake the person and try to wake them.

    I am grateful that the church, apostles and prophets won't be taken away again. It gives me hope that, even though the world is swirling around us, we can still have the calming knowledge of the gospel and the promises of the Spirit.

  2. So I had another thought come to me while we were out and about yesterday.... I think there is a difference between those that are "lost" and those that have "hardened hearts." I think those that are lost still can feel the spirit and be touched by it to be brought to the fold. Those that are hardened have made purposeful choices to take themselves on a path away from the Lord. Thoughts??

  3. Living Waters by LeAnnSeptember 10, 2011 at 10:04 PM

    I was able to actually catch up with you today. I read Mormon 1 while I was serving by temple shift. I loved reading about Mormon and recognizing what a wonderful teenager he must have been. I feel sad about the Zion attitude leaving and we are back into the wars.
    Blessing to you and I enjoyed this chapter and your thoughts.


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