Mormon 4

Mormon 4

Sadness.  That's what I felt when I read this chapter.  Sadness and shock.  How can a people forget so quickly? How could they have become so hardened- to the point they would sacrifice women and children!

Chapters like this just make me sad, so sad.

What part of this chapter got into you today?

TOMORROW: Mormon 5


  1. I see again that the righteous will suffer along with the wicked, that tells me that though I may be righteous, I will not be immune from the judgements that will come to the wicked.

    I guess that is a consequence of being "blessed" to live during the last-days:)

    I can see that in order to surrive the tests that will and are coming to me and the world, I must, like Mormon be very close to my Father In Heaven that I might be worthy of the constant companship of the Holy Ghost.

    I am so greatful the Mormon and others kept their journals so that I can benefit for them today.

    I will write in my jounal today, will you?

  2. Chapters like these really hurt my heart. I cannot help but relate them to the world I currently live in and draw sad correlations. I saw an advertisement for a movie the other day and thought to myself.... How can people stand to constantly put that message in their brain? The horror, slasher, satanic, bloody killing messages? It makes me sick to my stomach.

    I realize that it is not a jump off a cliff into sacrificing women and children. It came from daily choices until they finally arrived at that point. Slowly, inch-by-inch moving away from the spirit as a society until all things evil were acceptable in their eyes.

    Is that not where we are today? What is really unacceptable? Presidential leadership that scoffs at our flag and our country. Movie makers that cater to the sick and twisted. Internet sites where anything goes. Our police who's hands are tied in trying to get criminals off the street. Immorality and unwed mothers are the norm. Abuse and neglect. Murder. You can take just the 10 Commandments and look around to see every one of them broken every day.

    And then... the opposite side. Those who are trying their best to live a good life. Those who serve diligently. Those who pray to God for others. Those who try daily to keep their faith strong. Those who work hard at living the commmandments the best they can. We have amazing examples of honorable and righteous people to follow.

    While Mormon's society was wholly united in sin. Our world is definitely and ever-increasingly divided. Those on the side of Christ and those who have turned their back. Like Launa said, even thoough the righteous will suffer because of the wickedness of the world - we have hope BECAUSE of the righteous. This is the point I keep trying to hold onto.

  3. Living Waters by LeAnnSeptember 14, 2011 at 9:48 AM

    I just read this chapter a couple of days ago and I too just felt sad. I have some concerns that before the Savior comes we may be having similiar things going on. How much more wicked can our nation and world get? Scary thoughts!
    We must remain strong and true to our Savior and Heavenly Father.


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