3 Nephi 28

3 Nephi 28

What an awesome chapter!  I love the story of the three Nephites.  I'm not sure I would choose that path- I kinda like the having a family and getting old thing, but I admire their faith and desires.

As I seem to saying in most chapters, there was so much in here I can write about- but the one thing that I do want to comment on is verse 37.

I love it when Mormon interjects his own thoughts.  He teaches a great lesson here.  In verse 17 he speculates on the condition of the three Nephites' physical bodies, but clarifies that he doesn't know for you.  Then, in verse 37 he says, "But behold, since I wrote, I have inquired of the Lord, and he hath made it manifest unto to that..."  and he receives an answer regarding their translated state.

The lesson is that most answers and revelation come as a direct result of our asking God in faith.

Sometimes we wait for things to come, to be handed us, to be taught to us.  There is so much that God wants so share, and much of it can be access simply by us seeking Him out.

I love that eternal principle!  It is up to us!

Most of the Doctrine and Covenants exist because Joseph inquired of the Lord, whether for himself, the church, or on the behalf of another person.

This must be why the Savior is always imploring us to knock, so we can receive; ask, and it shall be opened.

We hear that a lot, but here in this chapter is a powerful and humble example of that principle in action.

What did you get out of this chapter today?

Or....maybe I should ask, what part of this chapter got into you? (Click here to read why I think I'm going to change my question at the end of each post)

TOMORROW: Suit Yourself Saturday


  1. Been thinking about this chapter all day.

    While I wouldn't want to be given all the same gifts as the 3 Nephites, it would be nice to have part of it... or earn it..... the term sanctified is what has been on my mind. To be at that point where one is righteous to have their calling and election made sure while still on the earth. At that point to basically be an earthly ministering angel in the flesh. Would be a good goal to work towards.


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