Mormon 5

Mormon 5

Mormon was 69 when he once again led the Nephites against the Lamanites. He had been leading a wicked people for 53 years.  How disheartening!  No wonder he walked away in the last chapter.

And yet, here he repents of the oath he made to leave them (vs 1) and once again, at nearly 70 years old, he goes into battle.  And, once again he grieves for the hardness of their hearts, and for the lack of relationship they have with their Creator (vs 2)

I know sometimes I get frustrated with people who are obviously making poor choices, not exercising faith, denying their Creator and simply making themselves miserable by doing stupid things.  Sometimes I just want to say, "Go ahead, beat yourself up.  I'm not going to help anymore." But I know I can't (unless, obviously, I am being hurt or damaged by the situation and I prayerfully make my exit)

Back to Mormon- again he speaks to us in our day in verses 10-24.  The message: Someday we will read what he had compiled and written, and if we listen and follow, we will be blessed.

That must have given him great hope: he couldn't save the people he lived with, but God gave Mormon the ability to see that his sacrifices and example would benefit future generations.

Sometimes (most times) we are unable to see the positive effects of our actions and examples have on other people. But I have hope that God will be able to use my efforts, intentions and actions for people and purposes that I am unaware of. I'd like to know that my life has done good to many, that I created a ripple that reached far beyond my line of sight.

What part of this chapter got into you today?

TOMORROW: Mormon 6


  1. It is always interesting when I read something in the Book of Mormon only to realize that I have seen it come to pass. This gives me another testimony point that the Book of Mormon is a true book of scripture.

    In this chpater Mormon explains that the Lamanites would be scattered and pushed around by the Gentiles. We saw this happen in the early days of our country. By historical accounts, they were a dark and fearsome people. But they were pushed, almost to the brink of extinction, by people flooding into America.

    Then there was the missionary effort to the reservations. To bring the word of God back to them. It's all prophesied in this chapter... and it's all happened.

    This is just a small example of when the Lord says it, He means it. So listen up and do what you need to do stay on the right side.

  2. In v 5 it talkes about "those Nephites who were not gathered in" were destroyed by the Lamanites.

    I wonder, who did/directed "the gathering"?
    Were there some who did not want to be gathered and why did they feel that way?

    I want to be gathered!


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