Elder Bednar- Pray Always

Elder Bednar- Pray Always

I love this sentence " meaningful morning prayer is an important element in the spiritual creation of each day—and precedes the temporal creation or the actual execution of the day."  I hadn't really thought of prayer that way. To go over your day, your expectations and hopes in prayer with Heavenly Father, not just inform Him of your plans, but to actually CREATE your day before you live it is an exciting perspective to me.

I love the idea of referring back to the morning prayer throughout the day, then comparing your day in nightly prayer to your morning prayer.  It seems to invite Heavenly Father to be a more active participant in my daily life. That is something I most definitely want.

The rest of the talk was great- The above just stuck with me.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. Interesting that you would pick this talk and subject. I was watching a BYU devotional yesterday where Elder Bednar spoke on prayer. He talked about asking for very specific things, one being discernment. And then went on to explain what true discernment really is.

    In this talk, I think the thing that stuck out to me was where he said that all our prayers should be a continuation of the others which in part fulfills the 'pray always' design.

    I know prayer is so powerful and it something I need more of in my life.

  2. Very good talk. Prayer is a wonderful subject to read about and discuss. This morning I was listening to a short video by Elder Christofferson which talked about taking some quiet time to just connect with God, not necessarily talking, perhaps just listening. Our lives are so busy, we need to remember to take that time out. He is our Father and he loves us.


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